All Blog Posts Tagged 'horse back' (430)

My Barn is Haunted.

It starts innocently. Maybe when you were little, your dad watched John Wayne movies like mine did. We fell in love with a column of cavalry horses (instead of their riders.) We loved those horses until the cavalry met a band of Indians- Indian horses were always better.  Or it may have been a  movie like My Friend…


Added by Anna Blake on October 28, 2011 at 8:00am — 1 Comment

Evening Rides

There was only a little daylight after work and the river was too high to cross, again.  I rode Cruiser up and down the hill three times.  He was quite energetic, and even did some gaiting up the hill.  (Cruiser has standard gaits, but he also does a stepping pace when he is excited.  He can get quite fast.  He must have gotten it from his Morgan side, as there are gaited Morgans.)  When we got back to the barn, it started to rain, lightly.  Perfect timing.  It rained the rest of the…


Added by Judi Daly on October 27, 2011 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Steady Trotting Home

Steady Trotting Home


The trails by our barn do not form any sort of loop. Basically, we ride out to our desired distance, turn around and come back. There are a few tiny loops, but they join the main trail, so the horses get that definite feeling that they are headed home. 


Most horses will travel faster on the way home than on the way out—that is a given. Horses like to be home where their friends are. This doesn’t happen if we are riding Cruiser and Ranger…


Added by Judi Daly on October 27, 2011 at 11:48am — No Comments

Take Advantage of 15 years of European Mistakes

Take Advantage of 15 years of European MistakesHorseGuard Fencing is the LEADING choice for European horse fencing, currently protecting two out of three horses.Before this, many misconceptions led people to make uninformed choices.



Added by HorseGuard Canada on October 27, 2011 at 10:08am — No Comments

Canadian Show Jumping Team Set to Compete at Pan Am Games

Visit and check out our latest stories. Get the latest on the Pan Am games here:

Added by Barry Finn on October 26, 2011 at 12:04pm — No Comments

Animal cruelty case reveals impact of deregulation and budget cuts

A total of 56 horses have been relocated to The Grace Foundation of Northern California's facilities after what rescue workers described as "the most disturbing animal cruelty case [they have] ever encountered". …

Added by Jillian Masters on October 25, 2011 at 4:10pm — No Comments

The Horse in the Iron Mask

Henk the Friesian Horse writes:

A couple of new horses arrived at the farm last week: an older chestnut warmblood named Lego, and his pet, a mini named… well… not really named. I’ll tell you more about that later.


When these two arrived, they got regular stalls in the barn like the rest of us, but instead of going out in one of the paddocks we use, they went into the sand-ring on the other side of the barn. Once we all go outside in the morning, the only evidence we…


Added by Lillian Tepera on October 25, 2011 at 11:47am — No Comments

A Recipe for Living


You need:

- one warm, gloriously bug-free fall evening

- one soft, almost soothing “fits-like-a-glove” saddle

- one enthusiastic, steady, energetic, perky-eared red-head mare swishing rhythmically through a sweet-smelling smorgasbord of dried, crispy leaves

- one clear and wide path lined with tall trees, glowing brilliantly with hues of yellow, red, orange and…


Added by Kathy on October 24, 2011 at 11:00pm — 1 Comment

Another rainy 4-day weekend

Yes, another rained out long weekend for my sister and me…


Thursday, the river was too high.  We rode Cruiser and Ranger up and down the hill 3 times.  I worked with Cole in the arena, and we had fun.  My sister rode him for a little bit, and it was nice because then I could watch him.  He is quite a sight.  I then led him down to the river as a reward.


Friday, the river was still way to high to cross.  This time, we rode Cruiser and Ranger in the arena, too,…


Added by Judi Daly on October 24, 2011 at 2:43pm — No Comments

Lesson 16 - Sunday October 23 2011

Had a great lesson today. Our coach could see that we were all riding speedy horses today so we spent the lesson working on slowing down. We were to do a lot of whoa and back up, also did posting trot on the long side and sit jog on the short with circles in the corners. We learned to stay on a circle and keep our horses head and shoulders in between the reins. I was also working on getting Cooper to lower his head more and to give him more rein, to trust him more. By the end of the lesson…


Added by Coopersmom_1958 on October 23, 2011 at 5:00pm — 3 Comments

About Claire Dorotik LMFT



Having spent a lifetime around horses – growing up riding and training horses and later riding at many of the country’s top show barns – Claire, in many ways, understood horses before she understood people.


Claire’s competitive accomplishments include top placings at the Almaden farms Mini Prix, the Michelob Classic Mini Prix, the Monterey Bay Mini Prix, a 2nd place finish…


Added by claire Dorotik on October 22, 2011 at 12:50am — No Comments

How to be Gracious


Hi all,

Here's a great joke to head into the weekend with!


How to be Gracious

>  Jennifer's wedding day was fast approaching. Nothing could dampen her

> excitement - not even her parent's nasty divorce.


>  Her mother had found the PERFECT dress to wear, and would be the

> best-dressed mother-of-the-bride ever!  A week later, Jennifer was horrified

> to learn that her father's new, young wife…


Added by Barbara F. on October 21, 2011 at 4:29pm — 1 Comment

Canadian Goose Quadrille.

My corner of Colorado is having a particularly colorful Autumn. The sun rise is later and later, but the dawn colors seem worth the wait. Tomatoes plants have wilted but the tree leaves are frosted and toasted to richness. I hear big weather is coming next…


Added by Anna Blake on October 21, 2011 at 8:37am — 2 Comments

Win Four Tickets to the Alltech National Horse Show

The Alltech National Horse Show is proud to be the most recent event to join the Barnmice equestrian social community! To celebrate their partnership, the Alltech National Horse Show will host a contest:


In order to stay up-to-date with the most recent and exciting news from the Alltech National Horse Show, create a free profile at today. Be sure to enter the “Barnmice Alltech National Horse Show Contest” where

participants will be eligible to win four…


Added by Alltech National Horse Show on October 20, 2011 at 11:00am — No Comments

Try this Washington Horse Show Quiz to Win Tickets or Other Fun Prizes!


How much do you know about the Washington International Horse Show?


Try your hand at this quiz and be entered in a draw to win your choice of: 2 Free Tickets to the Washington International Horse Show, a WIHS Baseball Cap or a 2011 WIHS Poster!


Everyone's replies show up in our comment box below, so be sure not to peek!  We'll pick our winner with a random draw, so if you give it a try, you'll be included. :)


Draw will be held…


Added by Washington International HS on October 20, 2011 at 10:30am — 7 Comments

My Introduction

I have finally gotten around to writing an introduction to myself.  I am an avid trail rider (which is the same thing as hacking.)  I live over here in the US in Cleveland, OH.  It is a pretty good-sized urban area, and we are lucky enough to have a terrific trail system running right through it.  We share the trails with lots of different users, so our horses have to be very tolerant.  We also ride close to the roads, so they have to be good with traffic, too.


I have 2…


Added by Judi Daly on October 19, 2011 at 11:19am — No Comments

Alltech National Horse Show Honors Men and Women in Uniform

Lexington, KY - October 18, 2011 - - The Alltech National Horse Show, 128th edition, now just two weeks away from its grand debut at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, Kentucky, announced today that it will pay tribute to men and women in uniform, with a special ticket package on Thursday. November 3rd.

Men and women in the military and members of police and fire departments, who wear their uniforms, can take advantage of a special, money saving two-for-one ticket special…


Added by Alltech National Horse Show on October 19, 2011 at 9:30am — No Comments

Evening Rides

It was a lovely night for riding, yesterday.  My boyfriend got in the saddle before I got there—I got caught in traffic.  I saddled up Cruiser, and away we went to meet his buddy Starry.  Cruiser knew the game, and as usual, I had to keep slowing him down.  We met them about 20 minutes later, and I talked my boyfriend into turning around and continuing with us until the next river crossing.  it was such a pretty night, that it didn’t take much coaxing.  Even his horse didn’t mind turning…


Added by Judi Daly on October 18, 2011 at 11:46am — No Comments

Yet Another Long, Rainy Weekend

A long weekend for us, at least this year, means rain.

   The weather was great on Thursday.  My sister and I planned to go on our favorite ride with Cole and Ranger up to the show ring.10 minutes down the trail, we had to turn around.  The electric company was trimming the trees under the wires by the trail.  To make matters worse, the trail that we would take to get away from them goes out to the street by a bridge—and there were construction workers repairing it.  They were…


Added by Judi Daly on October 17, 2011 at 3:15pm — No Comments

Equine Center Contribution

I am always on the lookout for materials to use to build up the equine center.  Most recently I got permission to relocate a 20x80 pipe coral.  I got started this past weekend by removing the 4 cable runs.  Not exactly and easy task but the weather was nice and all went very well.

Added by Tom Mittower on October 17, 2011 at 9:39am — No Comments

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