All Blog Posts Tagged 'equine' (979)

Equestrian Dictionary

Definitions of common equestrian terms.


A popular, social gathering where you can change a horse from a financial liability into a liquid asset.

Azoturia (Monday Morning Disease)

a condition brought on by showing horses all weekend. Symptoms include the feeling of dread at having to get out of bed on Mondays and go to work.

Barn Sour

An affliction common to horse people in northern climates during the winter months. Trudging… Continue

Added by Susan on November 22, 2009 at 7:00am — 6 Comments

2010 Horse Play Calendars and December Events

They're here!!!

Now available online - 2 Different 2010 Horse Play Calendars!

We had 2 SUPER photographers come out and play - Doug Learned

and Sheila Ryan (she has a horse here, Indy). The results are

these wonderful calendars. A great gift for any horse lover! And

tax deductible too!

Order online

2010 Wall Calendar…


Added by Horse Play on November 21, 2009 at 6:49pm — No Comments

Let 'em Run!

Stampeded by helicopters, slammed into metal pens, torn from families when their hearts and heads say safety is with the herd, our wild horses have been robbed of their homelands and forced to stand dull-eyed in pens, awaiting the slaughter that the Bureau of Land Management says will come.

It's going on today. Tomorrow. The next day.

And it's done in my name and yours as if it's the will of the American people, despite the cost, the lack of a clearly stated plan and our continued… Continue

Added by Terri Farley on November 21, 2009 at 1:59am — 2 Comments

FEI Winners Announced!


At a glittering ceremony in Copenhagen on 19 November, five heroes of the equestrian world became the first recipients of the new FEI Awards.

Best Rider

Show jumper Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum of Germany received the Best Rider accolade.

“It’s a great honour for me to win this award, particularly as it’s the first time it’s been awarded. It’s an accomplishment every rider would consider very important, and it’s so nice to… Continue

Added by Sarah at on November 20, 2009 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Thomas Ritter: Work Space

Work Space

©Thomas Ritter 2009

I want to say a couple of things about the proper work space for the training of a dressage horse. It is very important that the arena footing has the right consistency, neither too deep, nor too hard. Footing that is too deep can easily lead to suspensory ligament and other soft tissue injuries. Excessively hard footing will eventually contribute… Continue

Added by Thomas Ritter on November 20, 2009 at 10:00am — 1 Comment

Employment Law tips for members

We are grateful to have partnered with Willson Lewis LLC ( who now offer employment law tips to our members. Tips that are especially important for those us involved in the equine industry.

Catherine Willson is the founding partner of Willson Lewis LLP. For the past 20 years, Catherine has practised in civil litigation and more particularly, in the areas of construction law, commercial litigation, employment, family, and… Continue

Added by Sarah at on November 20, 2009 at 9:00am — No Comments

Why Not?

Why not?

Posted November 19, 2009

I think my horses often think "Why not?"

"Why not" walk through that electric fence to munch on the neighbors alfalfa field?

[Thank you to my neighbor for running over to tell me they are out.]

"Why not" nudge that stall door and see if the "maid" forgot to latch it again?

[Thanks to my husband for cleaning up the hay bales they tore through… Continue

Added by Karen Brenner on November 20, 2009 at 6:09am — No Comments

Equine Science: Weekly News and Trivia Question - November 20, 2009

Good morning Barnmice readers and welcome to this week’s jam-packed Equine Science News blog; today I’ll be chatting about Fell Pony Syndrome, Laminitis awareness and the problems that endurance horses can suffer with.

But first, it can’t have escaped many owners notice that this week has seen the International Equestrian Federation (FEI) meeting in Denmark to discuss the future of horse sport with Bute and Rollkur being top of their current agendas. Yesterday it was announced on… Continue

Added by Chloé Sharrocks on November 20, 2009 at 3:08am — No Comments

BHS National Coaching Conference 2009 Summarised

The Programme included:

* Sports Psychology with Sandie Chambers

* Nutrition with Stuart Chambers

* Rider Fitness with Jon Pitts

* Tim Stockdale's speech

* Equestrian Edge with Dr David Marlin

* Motion & Performance Centre

The Conference might have… Continue

Added by Wiola Grabowska on November 19, 2009 at 8:30pm — No Comments

FEI to Allow Bute in Competition

Update November 25, 2009

Horse vets raise doping concerns with FEI

A group of top-level horse vets has written to FEI head Princess Haya outlining their concerns about the FEI's recent decision to allow non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in equestrian competition.

Copies of the letter to Princess Haya from the veterinarians were also sent to Sven Holmberg (FEI 1st Vice-President), Chris Hodson (FEI 2nd Vice-President), Alex McLin (FEI… Continue

Added by Barnmice Admin on November 19, 2009 at 11:30am — 1 Comment

Hi Barn mice Peoples

My name is Aimee;)
And I am new what is Barn mice all about? I am 13;)
I might be getting a horse in the spring but who knows cross your fingers;)
I have been riding for 2-3 years on and off and this comeing summer I might be riding one of my teachers horse;)

Added by Aimee Helgren on November 18, 2009 at 11:57pm — 2 Comments

Six Tips To Improve Your Scores….At The Show!

Last week I talked about the warm-up and how to make sure you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, exactly how much time it will take to warm up your horse before you actually ride the test

This week we’re going to progress to the actual test and how you can improve your test score while at the show. Here we go.

1.) Canter Around The Outside Of The Arena Before Entering.

You will have a beautiful forward trot to enter with and make a fantastic entry and first… Continue

Added by Colette Sossaman on November 17, 2009 at 10:30am — 4 Comments

For the smiles

I had to pull a couple of lame horses out of lessons today which didn't seem very well welcomed by the school's owner. Considering there is only a few horses to play with, the team on the yard had rather difficult task to keep everything ticking somewhat. On top of that, the weather is wrecking the arenas, we were had to use the small one and couldn't do much at all.

It's hard to find an economically viable solution to so many problems that need… Continue

Added by Wiola Grabowska on November 15, 2009 at 10:00pm — 3 Comments

The Classical Philipe Karl

Pursuit of a harmonious relationship with the horse has led me to many philosophies and instructors. I've always known that the horse is an extremely sensitive creature and despite his ability to physically overpower any human, has submitted to a role of servitude.

I have been fortunate to be inspired by the insight and analysis of some very influential people. Principally, Tony Gonzales, who taught me to observe and analyze the foundation of motion....the feet. Sally Swift whose brilliant… Continue

Added by Lois Keays on November 15, 2009 at 9:00am — 1 Comment


With apologies to Aretha, I've discovered a new spelling for Respect:


Of late, it has become crystal clear that Sammie simply does not respect my leg. Upward transitions and forward energy were easy things for our trainer Meg to get from Samba, but whenever I hopped on, fuggedaboudit. Here I was, committed to showing at Intro level in March, and I had to enter into negotiations with Sammie any time I wanted her to pick up a trot. Intro… Continue

Added by saddlebroke on November 14, 2009 at 7:03pm — 4 Comments

A-Z of Last Two Days

Working outside is current weather is rather interesting. It seems that glorious, sunny and warm October was sent down to make up for what is happening now.

A is for Absorption exhibited by my clothing. Generous of it but seriously unnecessary.

B is for Books read in a hot bath while recuperating after A.

C is for clients. Super Training Day today with a pleasure-to-teach rider not bothered by W, R and H.…


Added by Wiola Grabowska on November 14, 2009 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Sensitive Lusitanos, Trish Pitzel

Does anyone out there have any experience with the Viega line Lustiano mares? I have one who is extremely sensitive. I would like to know if there is anyone else with the same. The photo is of my mare's Sire - drop dead gorgeous but read your mind sensitive.

I used a bitless bridle on her last week and the next ride with a regular french link snaffle she did not trust that the bitless action was going to be set in place again. You could see her think everything through.

I… Continue

Added by Trish Pitzel on November 13, 2009 at 11:52pm — 4 Comments

Equine Science: Weekly News and Trivia Question - November 13, 2009

Welcome back everyone to another edition of the Equine Science News blog, I hope all of you and your equines are healthy. This week obesity, equine metritis and horse dung have all featured in the news, but first I’m going to discuss equine welfare in the US.

The American Horse Council (AHC) have created a new national welfare code looking at the obligations of horse organisations to equine care. So far some of the large equestrian organisations in the United States, including… Continue

Added by Chloé Sharrocks on November 13, 2009 at 2:18pm — No Comments

Megan Jones: Hellllooo everyone

Hellllooo everyone

Yes, I have been busy! Not sitting in front of my computer of late hence the “no blogs” from Megan. I have much to tell you all..... no I’m not getting married!

Firstly, I went to NZ a couple of months ago to do a run of clinics. This was my first time teaching in the “land of the long white cloud” and I really enjoyed it. Everyone was keen to learn and they want me to come back in January. ( i just might miss some of our hot hot weather over here)…


Added by Megan Jones on November 13, 2009 at 10:00am — 2 Comments

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