A little challenge for you all ;) can you see what is going on in this clip?


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The horses have taught the humans to jump at liberty but they can't get collection?
So the horse demonstrates how to do it right.
OH BOY! I love these:)

Just watch--I'm sure I totally off.. haha..

What I'm seeing is a big, beautiful, playful boy who wants to "join the fun", but needs reassurance that what his people-friends are doing (and encouraging him to do) isn't scary.

0:14--a little apprehensive about what's going on, but he obviously trusts you.
His nodding is so cute! Almost looks like he's saying "OK, OK, I get what you want me to try.. I am willing.." and gives it some effort.. But doesn't quite have the confidence to carry it through. "Is it safe? I'm not completely sure.."

It's precious how attentive he is! He's excited to work with you and wants to play! It's "Oh boy, what're we doing?" until you get to jumping the log--Then it's "WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?" like he's a little confused, maybe a little nervous, but curious..

0:42--He is interrested in and is comfortable with the other person, too. Is attentive, but maybe a little startled when they jump the log. Second reaction is funny to me! It looks like he's thinking "OH no, you didn't!" A little more startled by the jump, but he looks even more curious and eager to get things..

As the people-jumps continue, he still reacts, but maybe moreso because he's interrested?? He looks entertained to me.. Doesn't seem as startled..

1:30--The whole bonding/cuddling segment made my heart melt.. They really care about each other, yes? Maybe his confidence in trying this "jumping" thing is boosted a little here..

1:35--Then the nice lady jumps, and whoa! He wasn't used to that since he was focusing on the other person. :)

1:42--Could this yawn mean that caught him off-guard and he's a tad uncomfortable? Possibly a calming signal because he senses things are getting out-of-hand with his comfort level? Or would it mean something more like "this is getting kinda fun.. These people are wild.." but then while he's thinking...

1:43/44--WHOA! A burst of jumping goodness! Definitely caught him off-guard! Freaked him out a bit. He was comforted by the petting once he realized he didn't have to worry about you jumping again. Haha:)

When he's jumping at the end (hooray!) he looks like he's having a blast, then at
2:04--he start losing the excitement but will still play. :)

And then, "Ahhh, sweet treat time.. I had fun today.. Time to relax.."

Am I completely off?

I had a blast watching that video, and attempting to pick it apart.. You pick the best music to go with things.. :)
At first the horse is curious when the jump is put out, and he does try to step over. Then, JMO, the horse seems to be a little confused and frustrated, maybe not understanding exactly what is wanted. I think he finds it entertaining to watch the humans jumping over and back. Yawns, his pleasure at getting the humans to entertain him and his buddy (lol, just kidding). Then relaxed and happy, he goes over then jump, shows how happy he is about his accomplishing what his human asked of him with the ears. Just my opinion of course.
i am feeling a little mean here for asking you to analyze this particular clip ;)
And even more so for not giving you my version of what's going on just yet!

But I will tell you this much, what you are seeing isn't quite what it seems... It's made to confuse people. Pay special attention to the very beginning....
And in case you didn't know, the horse is my stallion, the guy is my other stallion (he he he) and the brown horse is my stallions wife and belongs to the two legged stud;)
Harsh, Ellen.. Harsh! :)
Only other guess I have is you are teaching him to jump only on specific cues.. But that's a stab in the dark.

Otherwise, I'm totally snowed!

Laughed out loud at the stallions comments! You lucky lady you.. ;) Hahahaha
I have no idea!
I liked the part when one of them yawned. Clearly you weren't entertaining enough!
OK, the story behind this clip is that my husband (Gunnar) and I were in the arena filming some stuff and we were really done for the day. We sat down for a bit, and started talking about "horse whispering" (telepathy). Neither of us believe in that (another topic) and we were talking about why they, if they really can use telepathy to the horses, don't simply use that when they work with them... I have had several at my clinics, and they seem to use the same signals as everyone else.

We had a little fun with the idea to try to make a horse-whisper video, pretending to use telepathy in the training. Then we had a laugh at the idea of publishing this on youtube claiming this is what we are doing (but when it came to that, I ended up writing about what we really did instead… funny thing though, people don't read my comments so a lot of people think that we are training the horse this way no matter what I wrote!)

So… I get out the jump that Fabuloso has jumped for years (I overdid it so he eventually got bored with it unfortunately). He, of course, thinks he is supposed to jump, but when I backed outside of the cameras view I signal him to stop. He wonders a bit about that, but isn't overly eager to jump either (remember, this was after we had trained the horses already, he was a bit tired at this point).

When I walk up to him I am pretending that he is not understanding me, and asking him to jump again, but I am giving him the wrong signal and actually blocking him instead. He isn't sure what to think about this, but I praise him, (my praise is hidden by the song), for not going over it ;)
When I ask him to come with me, he hesitates, still wondering why on earth he is not supposed to go over the jump :), but he is used to me being silly so he goes along with it.

Then came the hardest part for an amateur actor, jumping over it and turning in time to block him from following without it looking like that's what I am doing. If you pay attention you can see how I am directing him to go to the other side of it.

Then Gunnar had an idea and wanted to have a go, too. He starts out by hitting himself with a riding crop (anyone notice that? we had a good chuckle over that one) before showing the horse how it's done. The horse is standing where we told him to stand, and he was happy to just stand there…

Then Gunnar just jumps over and over again, and Fabuloso, who up to this moment thought we were actually trying to ask him to do something realizes that we are just goofing off again. The yawn is a stress release… tension going out, he realizes that there is really nothing to think about here after all.
(Yawning is not a calming signal, nor is it boredom, it comes when tension is released)

Then Gunnar pretends to "do the horse whispering thing", really demonstrating the telepathy thing by touching his forehead against the horses forehead. By that time I got bored being behind the camera (didn't need to move it anyway) so I wanted to play, too.

With both of us jumping we got a little close and surprised Fabuloso. I felt guilty about that so I rub him a little and we decide to stop playing around. The only thing left is to show that he "now understands the task" and this time I am giving him the right signals. I had recently added the turn around and jump back again, and since that is kind of new to him he thinks it's fun to jump again.

A little detail that I just now noticed; at the very end, after I give him a treat and carry out the pole, I leave my pouch on the ground. That is where I have my treats, and the horse knows that of course. Just an interesting detail that I think is a argument in the topic of "horses that are fed treats gets pushy about food"… ;)

Sorry about choosing this clip to give you a challenge, though, I didn't realize I would get so many answers so quickly! I will find another clip that is for real…. (not that you'll trust me now!)
Bundles of laughs, you are! ;) That was good--Well played, oh amateur!

I thought he was pretty fluent for just learning to jump.. Shoulda gone with that thought, huh?

Maybe the getting pushy for treats thing goes down as they learn to enjoy praise?? My girls will get SUPER close and nose, nibble and push to try to find them.. Haha! Kai is great about chilling out when I ask her to calm down.. Donoma is like a little treat addict... :)

Too funny.. Kudos on a great gag!
Can't wait for a REAL one! HAH!
Glad you don't seem to upset with me ;)
As for the pushiness for treats, it goes away when you have taugth them no to eh... Push for treats ;) I promise I will show you how, but I don't have a clip if that so you have to wait a little. It also gets better when the horse has understood the clicker, that is when the dopamine, that comes from understanding the task, gets more important. That is what you see in my goofy clip, he gets exited over the task, not the reward (although that is a part of it, it comfirms he got it right)

Actually we are just starting with clickertraining on one of our foals now, and he is quite pushy and eager still. I guess I can film him and show you, depending on if Gunnar is home tomorrow to film it...
I wondered if Fabuloso had learned to jump before your "lesson"!! LOL Pretty tricky!!

I was told a couple of months ago that yawning was a sign of release of tension, so I'm glad to hear you say that too.

One thing I really enjoy about watching your videos is that I always see you smiling!! That is SO nice to see, and I'm sure the horses like it too.
No need to analyze this clip (unless you want to, then go ahead!) I just saw this clip of Borka and Fabuloso when I found the other one, and think it's kind of sweet. We aren't doing anything in particular, a student is playing with Borka, the mare, and I am playing a bit with my horse. This clip is special to me because it is the last clip we have of this mare. She died shortly after giving birth (her foal lived and is OK) and we still miss her very much of course. She and Fabuloso had a great relationship, and they got two beautiful daughters (I can show them, too, if someone wants to see them) :)

That made me tear up a little.. I guess I'm a total sap.
She was a gorgeous girl--I'm so sorry you lost her, but I'm glad that two marvelous horses got to bless the world with more:) I'd LOVE to see them if you're still willing to share!

Man, I'm so envious of how you and your horses interact with each other... I'm green!!!


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