I bought my first horse six months ago. He's an OTTB, 6 yrs old and pretty green. I'm working with a trainer, and I'm trying to decide whether I want to pursue dressage or jumping. My trainer has extensive experience with both, so it's a matter of my preference.
I initially thought I wanted to jump with him, and he's shown a lot of natural ability out in the pasture (jumping fences he's not supposed to! Ha Ha!). He has no lameness issues and is sound for jumping.
On the other hand, the more I learn about dressage the more I think that might be the way to go, as far improving his paces and his balance. My only concern is that my horse is very green, like I said, and has a lot of energy. Trotting in precise circles might be a little boring for him!
Any advice on how to choose? Are there any traits I should be looking for that would make him a "natural" hunter or dressage horse?