What are your fitness challenges and what types of injuries have you had?

What are your biggest fitness challenges as a rider? Which areas of your body give you the most trouble and which do you wish you could improve?


What types of injuries do you have now or have you had in the past? What types of injuries do you think riders struggle with most?


If you could ask any fitness or injury-related questions to a top-notch osteopath and athletic therapist, what would you ask?


Thanks for your input!

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What are your biggest fitness challenges as a rider? Which areas of your body give you the most trouble and which do you wish you could improve?

core strength, back, shoulders and inner thigh. not many things work the inner thighs like riding does!

What types of injuries do you have now or have you had in the past? What types of injuries do you think riders struggle with most?

knee injury, I gave up riding in a western saddle r/t the pressure it was putting on my knee. I now ride dressage/english and do much better!

If you could ask any fitness or injury-related questions to a top-notch osteopath and athletic therapist, what would you ask?

Prevention of shoulder and other type of injuries

I am getting back into more riding after a winter of light riding. I was wondering the best way to rebuild the muscles in my legs and to gain back my core strength. Thanks so much.
Hi Caitlin,
This issue has come up a lot, so I'm in the process of putting together a good, comprehensive exercise program for legs as well as a separate one for core strength.

My biggest problem I have faced in the past (and actually going through at this moment) is my back, but specifically, my left Sacorilliac (sp??). I've had about 4 major episodes with it over the last 8 years, and a few minor ones as well. Now that I am in my mid 50's, it is becoming more sensitive and I have been fearful of starting an exercise program because of it. It's a viscious circle because, I know if I were more fit through my core, I would be less suseptible to irritating it. Just two days ago, I felt fine and was sweeping up after my horse, when all of a sudden "ping" ......and my left SAC was telling me STOP now! I've been nursing it with Anti-Inflamatory's and rest, and fortunately it hasn't spasomed on me. It is very frustrating, and I need to find the right kind of exercise to start off with. Even stretching is tricky.

I was thinking that swimming and cycling might be the answer for me at this point?

I also struggle with balance when I am in the saddle. I feel as if I need to shift my weight to the left, even though it feels like I have more seat bone contact on that side. It is a very weird and irritating sensation LOL!

Any suggestions would be great!
Hi Nora,
Your back pain may just be an SI dysfunction or it may be a disc bulge. It sounds like if you've been having numerous episodes over a long period of time, it's usually indicative of a disc.

When you get the spasm, does it run down your leg, is there numbing and tingling that accompany the pain, what makes it hurt, does it hurt more when you get up off a chair or sofa? The answer to these questions, may lead me to decipher more one injury than the other.

Any answers to the above questions would be more than welcomed and we'll see what we can do about getting you back into action!
Hi Claire....

I haven't had a real problem with the pain running down my leg.....even with a really bad episode. Some very minor discomfort at most, and only at the top and to the side. Mostly the pain starts at the left and shoots across my lower back.

I would say that getting up off the sofa is way more uncomfortable than getting out of a chair. When I've had the bad ones, pretty much all I can do is lay down. This one hasn't been so bad and I am alternating from moving around, sitting down and laying down. I'm actually surprised that it isn't better yet. Normally, if I catch it early, it's better in 24 hours.

Thanks for your help!

Hi Nora,
I think you might be dealing with a disc bulge...it's not a great sensation to have and unfortunately it's not curable. I would be more than happy to discuss this more privately about signs and symptoms and explain to you more about it as it is a life-long preventative program. You can reach me (depending on where you live) via email here or my private email address which is cmoscone@yahoo.com or via phone at 416-858-9933. There are specific things that you need to know about to prevent further injury. Hope to hear from you soon.
What are your biggest fitness challenges as a rider? Which areas of your body give you the most trouble and which do you wish you could improve? I have the hardest time keeping my ankles strong and my hips straight. I always end up having one hip ahead of the other, making picking up the wrong lead. I generally have problems with my lower back and hips, especially when stretching my horse before I ride or even by simply picking his hooves. I have very long legs and danced for nearly 11 years, not under the best training techniques either. (i.e. pushing children into their middle splits) I would love to be able to improve my abdominal stregth as well and be generally toned in that area because that is the main focus as a rider.

What types of injuries do you have now or have you had in the past? What types of injuries do you think riders struggle with most? I have had a broken tail bone, several ankle injuries and hip injuries, mostly being pulled muscles. I just recently sprained my ankle. And I am currently seeing an upper cervical doctor about my hips and back pain. Being told I have the body of an 80 year old at 17 is not great. I do think one major injury that most riders have and don't realize it is in their atlas where their skull meets their spine. That simple fall that was brushed off as nothing could actually have through your atlas aside some, interferring with the nerve signals from the body to the brain and resulting in pain and discomfort in other areas of the body.

If you could ask any fitness or injury-related questions to a top-notch osteopath and athletic therapist, what would you ask? Is there something I am missing that would be causing my back and hip pain? I have tried stretching, I continue to see my chiropractor, and I do workout out of the saddle as well to be fit. Is it possible I make have an injury there that hasn't been noticed? I really feel like my body is aging faster than I am. I should be a healthy 17 year old rider, right?
Hi Cortni,
It's not a consequence of aging but a consequence of you being an athlete! We always manage to push our bodies and expect them to just bounce back...that rarely happens at any age. Can you tell me a bit more about any strengthening and specific stretches that you're doing so I can point you in the right direction? Seeing a health care practitioner on a regular basis is a good idea, but you need to supplement it with some exercises to keep your body supple and strong. I find that most health care practitioners serve a purpose for that time but then don't follow up treatment with appropriate exercises, especially for high level of athletes.

Hope to hear from you soon.
Thank-you for your advise. I am going to try and get some riding lessons done this summer. We live an hour and a half from the nearest trainer I think, so will try and get some done. The ankle exercise would be great. Thanks again.
Hi, My biggest challenge has been Fibromyalgia that leaves me sore after any kind of strenous riding. I think my weakest link is my back, but I feel lucky not to have had any broken bones or big challenges like the other comments here. I have to get back into Tai Chi, as I found that strengthened my core and helped me stretch. I have heard that Osteopaths can help Fibromyalgia?
Hi Karen,
Fibromyalgia, as you probably know, is an overall increase in the sympathetic system of the body. Osteopathy is a gentle, non-invasive therapy using manual palpation to normalize the entire body. We help the body heal itself by regulating your systems and helping them work better for you. I work out of Dufferin and the 401 in Toronto. You can reach me via phone at 416-858-9933 if you'd like me to further explain Osteopathy or if you have any further questions or concerns.

Hope to hear from you soon.


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