
Riders Over 60

Any horse person who has made it to the ripe age of 60 or more and is still active in the sport. Tell us your stories

Members: 42
Latest Activity: Sep 3, 2018

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Older 16 Replies

Started by Patricia Grant. Last reply by Eileen Apr 26, 2014.

How has riding and riding styles changed since you started riding. 8 Replies

Started by Linda PURVIS. Last reply by Ainslie Sheridan Sep 25, 2012.

Over 60 for sure 31 Replies

Started by Sue VInyard. Last reply by joy maldonado Oct 27, 2011.

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Comment by Gail Morse on June 1, 2011 at 2:14pm
Wow Shirley!  That almost sounds like a plan for a soap opera.  I am not being nasty with that but I have never heard of that many things happen to anyone in such a long string of events.  I believe you have passed the "bad luck comes in 3's".  Keep on smiling as that is the only way we get by sometimes.
Comment by Shirley on June 1, 2011 at 1:53pm

The past several weeks have been very challenging. We are in the process of trying to settle my mother in laws estate and getting her house cleaned out. Emotionally and physically draining.

My 81 year old mother that lives alone passed out with no warning and got pretty bruised up but didn't break anything. Some tests were run but no answers have been found. She isn't driving for 6 months. She lives an hour from me. Left with many issues to face and decisions to be made. She's feeling okay now but grows more tired.

Then my daughters 40 year old business partner had a major stroke which of course shook everyone up.  HIs father had died the week before. The young man is recuperating well. He was a marathon runner, diet conscious, non-smoking young man. Jeez! How scarey!! Some things just don't make sense.

My son got his first house in Lansing a couple of years ago at age 30. He has another fella living with him and sharing expenses. Things have gone great and he loves his home. It's a great house that has had older loving owners previously that had done lots of the little things to really make it a nice home. The neighborhood wasn't the best but seemed safe enough. The other night he went to let his Pitbull out to go to the bathroom and ended up getting shot at just as he saw a fella standing off in the dark watching him. I won't go thru the graphic scarey details but the shooter fired and missed again. Then he took off running. As it turned out there was 4 people seen escaping in a vehicle but no luck catching anyone. The police figured they were about to rob the house. Our poor old dog did not even know anything was going on. I have felt like I am in a tailspin & of course my son has felt a bit traumatised. Looking for a new watchdog, getting some good flood lights installed etc. but right now he is living elsewhere. I don't know if he'll ever feel safe in his home again.

THEN, one week later, I get a phone call to head to the hospital. My husband and a friend were working on a mower that didn't want to start. The mower ended up breaking out in flames as one of the spark-plugs sparked and ignited the gas. So my honey got his face and one arm burnt pretty nasty. Fortunately he and his buddy did the drop and roll and had a garden hose handy to keep cold water running on him until the ambulance got there. They took him to a nearby hospital which then sent him by helicopter to the nearest hospital with a good burn unit. They had to put a tube down his throat to make sure his breathing passage didn't swell shut and to check into his lungs with a little camera to see if there was throat or lung damage (which there was not). Fortunately the burns were 2nd degree so no grafting was necessary. One face cheek, his neck and one arm got the worst burns. He only had to be at the hospital 2 nights (wanted him to stay a third) and I've been being his bandage nurse here at home since. He is healing quickly but today his the 8th day and he still has much more healing to do. Saw the burn surgeon yesterday and he said that all looks good and he's healing well. Fortunately he did not experience much pain and only took pain meds a couple times after they got him off the original meds they had him on while they kept him asleep for the first 24 hours.

I'm hoping we've had our share of nasty stuff for a while. 

Oh yes, almost forgot, while my husband was in the hospital I got a call that my horses sheath was all swollen so I made a trip home to try to help him out. Fortunately when I got home and did a good cleaning (which didn't appear necessary) he got back to normal in a couple days. I did find a bean about 1/2 the size of a pea. Usually if he's having a problem he will rub his tail 1/2 off in an evening. Didn't do that this time which I'm happy for cause it does look pretty darn funny when he has two inches of tail sticking straight out at the base of his tail. 

Maybe I disgarded one of those e-mails that says I will have bad luck forever if I don't pass the note on to everyone in my e-mail list. I hate those things and won't pass them on to cause stress for everyone else that receives them.

On the other hand~~maybe I was experiencing good luck. My mother has been good for over 2 months now, The bullets didn't hit my son (just the car he hid behind) & they didn't shoot the dog. My daughters business partner lived and is regaining his strength and muscle control very well. My husband got a facial peel so he looks younger. We will probably have a new young dog to enjoy soon.

I hope no one can top all of this. But I know it is easily possible with all the terrible weather damage that has been going on around the world lately. We must be thankful for each somewhat normal day!


Comment by Sue VInyard on June 1, 2011 at 1:49pm
I got back into horses at 59. Bought my mare when she was 6 almost 7, I have had her over 6 years now. We have had a lot of bumps in the road, she wasn't ridden for about 2 years before I got her. Probably not the smartest move for someone who hadn't ridden in years, but she and I have finally forged a fantastic relationship. In 2007 she bucked me off and I spent about 5 days in the hospital with 2 broken ribs and a tear in my spleen. My husband asked me if I was going to get rid of her, not a chance. If you ride a horse, you will come off someday. Figured out what caused it and it hasn't happened again. She sure made my riding skills come back fast when I first got her. But like I said she has made me a good trail horse and we plan to grow very old together.
Comment by Shirley on June 1, 2011 at 12:53pm

Sue, sounds like a fantastic time on your trail ride. I'm still progressing to the point that my horse and I can be relatively safe on a trail ride. He needs experience and need experience and confidence boosted with prior and proper preparation. I started riding at age 54 and bought a great three year old. But he was still three years old even if he was great. We have grown together and I feel like I've learned more from him by being presented with more hurdles then if I'd gotten a more experienced horse.


Comment by Gail Morse on June 1, 2011 at 12:51pm
I know it can do good diagnostic work.  I am not worried about the thing itself.  I don't do well without eating for the length of time necessary.  Also I am not sure I want to find out about what could be there!  That realm of my body has been weird for years.  Hospitals seem to be losing their touch with humans.  Other people have no problems at all.  New GP next week!
Comment by Shirley on June 1, 2011 at 12:43pm
Gail, he he! I noticed you had me confused about the colonoscopy. I did have my first one a couple of years ago. The procedure was really not a big deal, drinking the gug to clean u out isn't much fun but not really THAT bad. The facility I went to was my only problem. They lost me in the shuffle! I was in the waiting room for a long while as many that came in after me were taken in ahead of me. Finally a nurse came out looking for me and she was quite annoyed and asking if I came in late. I said no that I was actually quite early and I'd given them my paperwork a long time ago. She acted like I'd goofed. So they took me back and were rushing like crazy to get me in the same time slot as I'd originally been set for. I felt like I was on an assembly line and came close to leaving and rescheduling but of course I didn't want to go thru the cleaning out process again. So we went ahead. I ended up with a nasty infection and had to take a strong atibiotic which of course made me feel lousy the whole time I took it. Took a while to start feeling better. So my suggestion is that you get a good referral for a doctor and the facility you have it done at. Most people don't seem to have any problems with it and it can save lifes. Hope all turns out well for you.
Comment by Gail Morse on June 1, 2011 at 11:25am
Sounds amazing!
Comment by Sue VInyard on June 1, 2011 at 11:20am
Went trail riding for four days over the Memorial Day holiday at a place called Midwest Trail Rides. It is near the Hoosier State Forest in Indiana. We had such a good time. The weather was good, the trails weren't too muddy, the food was good and all the ladies I rode with were so much fun. It was just what my body and soul needed. My mare was just perfect and seemed to enjoy herself too. We have had so much rain this spring that I hadn't gotten to ride as much as usual.
Comment by Jackie Cochran on June 1, 2011 at 10:39am
Hey Frank, I had a real bad cold this winter that did a number with my MS.  Believe me, we understand!
Comment by Gail Morse on June 1, 2011 at 10:21am
Don't worry!  Stuff happens to all of us!

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