The Little Iron Horse

Members (60)



The Little Iron Horse

This is a group for owners, breeders, or admirers of Canada's national horse - the Canadian! The aim is to promote this little known breed and show the world how versitile and beautiful the Canadian is.

Members: 60
Latest Activity: May 2, 2018

Here are some photos of Canadians I have had the prvledge to know and love, and call my own. These photos are just ment as an example of the breed, as they range in size shape and colour.

Discussion Forum

I bought a Canadian 7 Replies

Started by Becky. Last reply by Laura Boyle Dec 12, 2011.

UCD Futurity and Show - September 17 and 18, 2011 3 Replies

Started by Ferrous. Last reply by Laura L Sep 20, 2011.

What do you do with your Canadian? 9 Replies

Started by Roxy. Last reply by Laura Boyle Sep 17, 2011.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Rose Cook on July 3, 2013 at 9:49pm

We exhibited one of our Canadian mares at the Antique Power Show again this year along with our Newfoundland Ponies. This is the 5th year we attended this event. We would like to thank the Canadian Horse Breeders Association for providing us with banners, signs and pamphlets to hand outs.

Comment by Rose Cook on July 3, 2013 at 9:45pm

Comment by Queenrider on July 3, 2013 at 9:18am

Canadians learn very quickly and are very smart!  Last year I was at a dressage show with Scooter.  He had finished his classes and i put him back into the 4 horse slant load trailer next to a younger horse so he could keep her calm.  I went and sat outside and basically was having a snooze when I heard very loud banging.  I jumped up and went inside expecting to see a nasty accident.  Scooter calmly looked at me and was pointing at his hay net which was empty.  Scooter could see me through his window and obviously wanted more hay in his net.  I obeidiently refilled it and gave him some water so he could go back to eating, his favourite passtime.  By the way he won 3 and 4th ribbons at First level that day.

Comment by Laura Boyle on July 3, 2013 at 8:59am

I should mention they didn't believe she is a Canadian, because there just isn't many around to see. What a great ambassador I think she will be for our fantastic breed!!!

Comment by Laura Boyle on July 3, 2013 at 8:57am

Woo hoo!!! Haven't been on here in awhile....but I had to brag!
Took Magie 'off the farm' for the very first time! We played around with the trailer to prepare her well, she handled the short trip like a pro.
We went to our very first Natural Horsemanship clinic, and Magie was the star of the show. She was a little 'up' the first day, just because everything was so new to her including never seeing chickens before....But she took on every challenge in the playground no big deal....teeter-totter, pedestals, 'car-wash' (flapping strips of plastic they have to walk through...) backing through barrels, in and out of a unfamiliar trailer (Had actual trouble getting her back out, because she was so interested in checking it all out)....By the second day, she was so cool, she was 'herding' the chickens! What the heck are those things????
I am so incredibly proud of my little girl. No one could believe she is only 2. They also couldn't believe she is a Canadian. She is so pretty, especially when she is hamming it up. (Clapping on day one sent her into a lovely Capriole..LOL Once she figured it out, you could have a whole arena of clapping and she wouldn't care less...)
Scary smart she is though...I learned that I am letting her take over a bit too much, and how subtle she can be about it. interesting. New challenges and patterns she just 'gets'. We would have to move off to do other things, because she would get easily bored once she new how to do something, and come back to it. Pony outsmarts me...OH oh....

Sorry to brag, but I am so proud of Magie!!!!! What a great partnership we are growing! :)

Comment by Queenrider on May 3, 2013 at 9:18am

Scooter was in the Jean-Paul Pare dressage clinic held at my barn March 22.  Below is a picture of JP riding Scooter and starting piaffe

Comment by Queenrider on May 3, 2013 at 9:15am

Canadian Horse Pageant, June 8,2013 10 am to 4pm, Activities include : Canadian horse demonstrations in various disciplines, vendors, wagon rides, silent and live auctions. Location : Hidden Meadow Farm, 5806 2nd line Erin,  On. , For more information contact or 519-855-6498

Comment by Tina Morrison on January 11, 2013 at 2:41pm

I would like to invite all Canadian Horse lovers to attend the Canadian Horse Breeders AGM / Randy Bird Clinic on March 23, 2013. 


If you are not a CHBA member, you can still attend the Randy Bird Clinic for $35.00. Or, better yet, become a CHBA member and attend the AGM and clinic at no added cost.

Comment by Queenrider on January 9, 2013 at 3:16pm

Just remember to double check your girth before you get on!

Comment by tony crook on January 9, 2013 at 12:05pm

thanks, Queenrider, got to do that some more! By the way, I put Bismark on Enrich 12, apparently Purina doesn't sell Equalizer her, the vet said the Enrich would work-I just give him a good handful, and the grass has finally stopped growing, and getting him more and more exercise-he seems to be losing the excess weight-thanks for your advice!


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