Lorna Leeson's Blog – October 2014 Archive (7)

Playing the Lame Game...

They say that problems come in 3’s…

If so, then the sudden rash of  ‘lameness’ that’s been catching here on the farm of late should be over soon…

Handsome; but with a somewhat limited pain threshold!

Handsome; but with a somewhat limited pain…


Added by Lorna Leeson on October 22, 2014 at 3:30am — No Comments

The Benefits of Keeping a Horse Riding Journal

You have just finished cooling down from what, in your mind, was the best lesson you have had in months…

As you are tending to your horse, that afterglow feeling is radiating from you; the feeling of achievement and success.
 However, you notice that while you can look back over your lesson and remember details now; come two or three days time, when you are trying to replicate that feeling, you just cannot seem to repeat what you actually done to achieve it in the…

Added by Lorna Leeson on October 22, 2014 at 3:00am — No Comments

Seeking 'Horsey' Bloggers

Do you have a 'horsey' blog?  

Are you writing about your experiences with your horses, whether they be on the ground or in the saddle?

I am looking for some 'Equine Inclined' bloggers to use the Strides for Success audio horse riding lessons for three months, free of charge, and when finished write a review on their experiences with it.

Strides for Success creates Daily Strides which is aimed at novice riders wanting to improve their riding and horsemanship skills.…


Added by Lorna Leeson on October 17, 2014 at 6:00am — No Comments

Leaving the Comfort Zone... (Scary Stuff!)

So, it occurred to me that perhaps an explanation for my lack of focus here on the blog is in order...


And sorry to disappoint if you were imagining all sorts of exciting African related tales such as baboons breaking into the house or elephants demolishing the stables...  Nope and nope,

I have been busy with my newest and scariest venture yet, …


Added by Lorna Leeson on October 10, 2014 at 1:32am — No Comments

Oh Ruby....!

A busy week here on the farm, culminating in the arrival of a new horse… Ruby!

Handsome, in a rugged kinda way!

Ah, Ruby, there was a time when I felt like ordering a hit on Ruby!  All his other visits (uninvited) to the farm resulted in the clippity clop of little hooves 11 months later.  (Fences aren’t a big…


Added by Lorna Leeson on October 8, 2014 at 2:30am — No Comments

6 Tips to Make Time for Horse Riding

How many times a week do you ride on average? I know only too well how ‘life’ can just get in the way and other things crop up and demand your attention.

In fact, I have seen how even with a scheduled riding lesson, most adults find it difficult to keep that appointment in their calendar due to unforeseen circumstances. It leads to feelings of frustration in all involved parties: the rider, the instructor and the horse.

Paying It Forward

Lets have a quick…


Added by Lorna Leeson on October 8, 2014 at 2:30am — No Comments

Are All New Clients Worth Your Equal Time and Effort?

Whether you are a riding instructor, trainer, barn owner or manager; as you grow your business your time will begin to become more valuable and in order to best utilize your time and skills, this is a question that you must, at some point, ask yourself.

Are All New Clients Worth Your Time and Effort

Often when professionals have trouble with customers, it is because they did not take the time at the beginning of the relationship to really get to know their potential new clients; their wants,…


Added by Lorna Leeson on October 6, 2014 at 1:32pm — No Comments

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