How does everyone here stay in shape? Do you cross train somehow? Do you find it harder to keep up your fitness level?
I cross train in Karate, which really helps with my strength and balance. A friend of mine runs half marathons!

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It is fabulous! Great way to stay while having a blast!
The dance form itself is known for it's isolations, which is really helpful for riding.
Core dance posture wonderful for our EQ.

I'll do a vid soon, how is that?
If you are close to me come and take some classes!!! (I have also done classes at our stable)
A bunch of my horse friends are now exploring this dance form and having an awesome time with it. Dressage friend started lessons years ago for the isolation work to enhance her ride, and got hooked! We also perform at recitals! Great fun!
Yes, please post some videos! I am in T.O., so not too far from you. Maybe we can organize a "clinic" at our barn! Do you ever do that? I'll ask around!
Sure I could do a workshop, that would be fun!
I have heard that belly dancing is excellent exercise...definitely post a core could use a little something :)
OMG!! You guys really give it 110 eh!! Well , after a LONG winter I'm slowly starting to increase my excercise by walking & cleaning up the farm. Isn't sad how your body gets so used to doing the chores that it's no longer good enough? I'm gonna have to start running half marathons like Barbara's friend!
I am horribly out of shape, but slowly working on it! You all make me feel motivated!
I practice Pilates apply it in the saddle ride my exercise bike for fitness and play hockey during winter.
After 8 years without a horse in my life, my 20 year old mare was returned to me ( I had owned her since she was 7) and she was in foal. I was over 50 when the filly was born. She had problems nursing at first, then she was fine and at 7 weeks old got her tiny hoof caught between the fence pose and the gate. Her P2 joint broke in half, through the skin and I arrived to see her caught in the gate about 1/2 hr. after it happened. She and mom went to Guelph for 3 months, where her bone was set and re-cast about 5 times. I brought her home and had to keep her in a stall and do twice daily hand walking with her for another 6 months. She is now going to be 4 on June 23, and she is truly a miracle baby !! We are going to grow old together and she is just like me, stubborn and persistent !! I figure when she is in her 30's, I'll be in my 80's, so we have quite a lifetime of fun ahead. I am not afraid to work with the youngsters, although very cautious, but as I always say "Old enough to know better, but young enough to take a chance" !!! I am going to enjoy the rest of my life with my horses, at this age, I feel that it's My Turn !! Yoga is very helpful in keeping fit and stretched, cleaning stalls, building fences keeps my heart fit and laughing a lot helps!! The horses keep me young.
Isn't that the truth, Nancy! And thank heavens you can laugh - it probably kept you sane through this experience. My youngest right now is 5, and she was really tough and stubborn as a 2 and 3 year old, but has come around and really wants to be a good girl now.

I think stall cleaning and farm chores make a huge difference. My grandfather stayed hale and hearty and completely intact intellectually until his death at 89 from pancreatic cancer, and he did farm chores his entire life. I'm counting on those to keep me fit and healthy, and to keep my view of the world positive! Between the dogs and the horses life seems to keep handing me smiles, and I'm thankful for them.
Being a small person with a big horse, I do weight training one day a week just to be able to ride. I am cheap by nature so I rarely miss an appointment with the trainer (I have to pay anyways). I also do a quick exercise program each morning. My morning routine takes no more than 10 min. doing some ab work, lunges, squats and push ups. No matter how busy, you can fit in 10 min. I have to do them in the morning or else I get too lazy. I only do my morning exercises on weekdays as part of my workday routine. I also ride 3 - 4 times a week, but without the intensity now that my horse is retired. I should do more cardio but I truly dislike it. My next goal is to start stretching more....maybe
Have any of you ever read the book "Dancing With Horses" by Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling? He has some basic exercises and stretches that he does, that don't require much besides pleasant and relaxing surroundings :o) He does some amazing things with horses.
Well, everyone, I have, at the tender age of 4?, officially signed up for Karate. I'm very excited at not only the level of fitness it will promote, but also the focus, co-ordination, self-discipline, self-awareness and stamina it will provide. I had my first two full classes this week (was able to join in the middle of a three month session because of the Karate moves my personal trainer has been slotting into my training sessions) and worked up a sweat like you wouldn't believe, and I came away feeling great! It's hard work but so worth it, and I love the philosophy. Working toward my yellow belt ... :-)


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