The Little Iron Horse

Members (60)



The Little Iron Horse

This is a group for owners, breeders, or admirers of Canada's national horse - the Canadian! The aim is to promote this little known breed and show the world how versitile and beautiful the Canadian is.

Members: 60
Latest Activity: May 2, 2018

Here are some photos of Canadians I have had the prvledge to know and love, and call my own. These photos are just ment as an example of the breed, as they range in size shape and colour.

Discussion Forum

I bought a Canadian 7 Replies

Started by Becky. Last reply by Laura Boyle Dec 12, 2011.

UCD Futurity and Show - September 17 and 18, 2011 3 Replies

Started by Ferrous. Last reply by Laura L Sep 20, 2011.

What do you do with your Canadian? 9 Replies

Started by Roxy. Last reply by Laura Boyle Sep 17, 2011.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Roxy on July 17, 2008 at 9:06pm
Thanks Morgan, I have always been proud of my "kids".
Comment by Morgan Sparks on July 16, 2008 at 8:57pm
i love the pics
Comment by Roxy on June 12, 2008 at 7:13am
Thank Laurie. That has always bothered me!
Comment by Hawk Hill on June 12, 2008 at 6:04am
WRT the marking. It shouldn't affect him in the show unless it was a breed show where his identity was in question. However I have never seen a breed show check the markings against the papers. If there is any question as to the identity of the horse, the Association has a microchip reader that they will lend out to shows. The chip should be the definitive proof of identity. As you know some white markings result from an injury. At $30 a change, most owners wouldn't bother making the change on the registration papers. I registered our stallion Lucan in the middle of the winter and didn't notice he had a small amount of roan type white hairs on his pastern (thought it was snow). I had to change his papers in the spring. Arrgg. However since we were keeping him as a stallion, I wanted to make sure his papers were correct.

Hawk Hill Canadian Horses
Comment by Roxy on June 10, 2008 at 2:42pm
Hi all,
Does anyone know, I came across a Canadian gelding that was registered as having no marking except a small star, but when I looked at him I noticed he definately had a small white spot on his coronet band too. Would this affect him in any way if her were to be shown?
Just wondering...
Comment by Zoe Brooks on June 5, 2008 at 12:33pm
Hi! We have been breeding Canadian Horses for about 3 years now and absolutley love them! You can see some of ours for sale through the links at the bottom of the home page at I will post some video soon of our babies, and of first training to walk - as well as a preview of training our stallion to ride (in an hour - bitless of course.) These are wonderful calm exceptionally friendly horses! Zoe
Comment by Barbara F. on June 4, 2008 at 9:51pm
Hi, As a Canadian, I would be very interested to know how the Canadian horse breed came about. Who were the ancestors and how old is the breed? What were the breeding goals?
Comment by Hawk Hill on June 4, 2008 at 9:26pm
We have had Canadians for 8 years. I guess I can start a discussion about the breed.
Comment by Gary Stuart on June 4, 2008 at 1:17pm
Sounds interesting. The horse is very beautiful. Maybe you should do a discussion or blog explaining all about this breed.

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