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Wonderful news on the Issue on Horse Slaughter in Canada

For anyone that is opposed to horse slaughter, I have just received some very good news from the Canadian Horse Defence Coalition.

I am copying it here for those who want to read

Great News for Horses!

Natural Meat Company Shuts Down

We are pleased to inform you that Natural Meat Company (formerly Natural Valley Farms) in Neudorf, Saskatchewan, closed its doors in mid-February. No more horses are being slaughtered in that facility!…


Added by Mary-Joe Figueira on April 6, 2009 at 7:00pm — No Comments

We're Officially Qualified for the NAJYRC!

April 4-5: Chance and I completed our third NAJYRC qualifer and came out with a 65% average! He was very well behaved and had two very steady tests. We also performed our freestyle for the first time and earned a 67%. This was Chance's first freestyle ever and he wasn't quite sure what to do but he listened to me and performed a clean test. I am very proud of my boy! This show leaves us with a 63.9% average for the team. In three weeks we are going to the Del Mar National Horse Show and if…


Added by Catherine Chamberlain on April 6, 2009 at 2:30pm — 3 Comments

An Excerpt from Pocket Pegasus - Thanks to author and Barnmice member Susan Stafford!

Laura Connor's 13th summer suddenly switches from boring to magical flying

mayhem when her favourite Pegasus model, Flash, comes to life during a

violent thunderstorm. Follow their adventures as fantasy collides with

reality and Laura tries to keep her two-hand-high, walking, talking, flying

equine a secret from the rest of the world!

Laura Connor had long ago accepted that horse ownership was out of the question for her, but she did have one…


Added by Barnmice Admin on April 6, 2009 at 8:30am — No Comments

When do you know you have made the right choice?

Laminitis. What a horrible thing. Just 4 months ago I had heard of it but had never given it much thought as it didn’t affect me since I owned a large Clydesdale mare, it is just a pony thing isn’t it?

I’m sure the last thing you want to hear is another sob story about a wonderful horse that has been put down for some reason or another. It’s sweet to read all these articles about wonderful horses who were amazing and special and had quirky personalities that made them unique.…


Added by Equine Trader on April 5, 2009 at 7:30pm — 5 Comments

Developing Jumping Techniques and Stride Regularity

Following up from last week, once the horse is giving you a nice rounded stride over the second plank of our simple combination, by adding a second jump you will start to train your horse to make the link from trot to canter.

Placing the second jump is quite important — the length of one canter stride for the average horse is 12 feet or 3.6 metres. But, I want it to be a little closer on take-off to the second part.

Remember the aim is to turn a galloping machine into a…


Added by Tim Stockdale on April 5, 2009 at 10:00am — No Comments

Changing the Software in your Mental Computer

Hi Guys,

One of the biggest mistakes riders make when we're trying to overcome horseback riding fears is that we direct our efforts toward the conscious mind. You know--willpower, iron-jawed determination. The problem with that strategy is that you can only make short-term, temporary changes when you direct your efforts to your conscious mind. To make permanent changes, direct your efforts to the part of your brain that truly determines your actions--your subconscious…


Added by Jane Savoie on April 3, 2009 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment


There is no doubt about it...we need to put our top equestrian brains together and come up with a new design for the horse's head with six main aims:


1 We need to desensitise the area around the poll.

2 Make the top jaw narrower or the bottom jaw wider so they are both the same width.

3 Move the exit point for the motor and sensory nerves that is just under the cavesson noseband.

4 Fuse and strengthen the delicate ends of the bones at the…


Added by William Micklem on April 3, 2009 at 11:00am — 25 Comments

How do you define character?

This week's quote from Theodore Roosevelt is about character.

How do you define character?

Click here to print the quote and painting to do list for March 5-11.

Added by Karen Brenner on April 2, 2009 at 8:00am — No Comments

Ride Better 1-2-3 Online Rider Fitness Clinic Week 5: Tight Inner Thigh


This weeks' participating rider sent in a very technical description of her question. You can see her description in the comments section of last weeks' blog. She gave me some excellent and specific information, but I wanted to hasten to encourage you that you don't have to be as technical. Just a description of what's happening when you ride that you'd like addressed with some unmounted suggestions, and a few photos suffices..even if you don't have a photo, we can still work…


Added by Heather Sansom at on April 1, 2009 at 11:00am — 4 Comments

A Job at the Racetrack?

Have you ever wondered what kind of jobs exist in the racing industry?

Try this list on for size...

Track Manager

The track manager is the queen ant. He or she makes sure that all parts of this operation run smoothly and that an exciting program of racing is presented to the public.

Race Secretary

The race secretary manages the track's racing operation. They structure and oversee the day-to-day program of races and…


Added by Sarah at on April 1, 2009 at 2:00am — No Comments

April Horseyscope by Lauren Bode

Aries -March 21 - April 19

Happy Birthday dear Aries.Last year started with you going for it in your career, this trend continued for all, or most of last year, where you focused mainly on your career. You experimented with different aspects of dealing with your horse, and sometimes you felt almost as if you had a grasp on everything, so you began to coast for awhile.This year your focus will change as you have achieved most, or all of your goals.You do have many interesting feats…


Added by Barnmice Admin on March 31, 2009 at 6:00pm — No Comments

An Important Blog about (not) Advertising in our Blogs! :)

Hi Everyone,

A few recent posts have prompted me to add this note reminding everyone that there is no advertising or advertorial allowed in our Blog section - or any other member content section of Barnmice. Any posts that we consider commercial will be deleted.

Just to be extra clear:

No posts or photos about commercial products or services.

No notices about commercial websites.

No links mid-blog or discussion taking readers to a commercial site.…


Added by Barnmice Admin on March 31, 2009 at 10:30am — No Comments

Teaching Your Horse to Jump - The Correct Approach from Day One

Let's spend some time developing the correct technique and right jumping habits from the very beginning...

When you are ready to start jumping your horse, the first thing you must do is work out a way of getting the him to the fence so that he can jump it correctly.

Presenting your horse appropriately is the only way to help the horse improve his jump.

I surprise you, having said in earlier posts that canter should be a horse’s preferred pace, but I aIways…


Added by Tim Stockdale on March 28, 2009 at 10:00am — 4 Comments

Destroy Fear with an Attitude of Gratitude

Hi Guys,

It's completely reasonable that occasionally you'll be afraid when you ride. After all, you're dealing with a reactive (reactive means bolt, spin, buck, shy, or rear!) animal that outweighs you by a lot! But you can destroy those fears by adopting an attitude of gratitude.

The first thing you need to remember is that ninety-nine percent of the things you fear never come to pass. So why waste all that energy worrying about things that will probably never happen.…


Added by Jane Savoie on March 27, 2009 at 5:00pm — 7 Comments

Raising The Bar

I’m often asked about my thoughts regarding the paradox of a rider or horse owner/enthusiast trying to develop a true bond with a horse while the horse is in a boarding stable and therefore primarily "in the care" of others.

For many people it seems almost futile to put the time and effort into becoming so conscientious about your own approach to your horse when you have little or no control over how the staff and/or volunteers at the boarding stable are behaving with and handling…


Added by Chris Irwin on March 27, 2009 at 2:00am — 4 Comments

Will Rogers Quote, Three Quarter Horses & A Lesson Learned

This Will Rogers quote makes me chuckle! "There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves."

The painting accompanying the quote is one of my favorites of my three Quarter Horses, DJ, Echo and Ollie. Ironically, the three were recent escapees from my electric fence enclosed mini pasture. Yes, a neighbor rang my door bell the…


Added by Karen Brenner on March 26, 2009 at 7:00am — No Comments

Ontario Equine Economic Impact Project

Hi everyone,

Thank you for taking a moment to read this post! In addition to all of my regular horsey activities, I am in the fortunate position of being able to research the equine industry in Ontario right now. As part of this project, I have developed an on-line survey that is open to anyone involved in the Ontario equine industry. You can be involved in any capacity; an owner, a casual rider, an active competitor, an 'equine-related' business owner, farrier, trainer, etc. Any…


Added by Bronwynne on March 25, 2009 at 11:00am — 1 Comment

Riding Fit

Hi Heather,

Just wanted to say how much I appreciated your comments regarding my position on my horse. I have tried a number of your suggestions and feel that they have definitely helped. Clearly, you spent a lot of time analyzing my leg position and the problems I mentioned about leaning too far to the right side. I also have gone to your site and it is very helpful. I would highly recommend anyone wishing to get some helpful hints to contact you.

Thanks so much for…


Added by Andrea Menzel on March 24, 2009 at 5:00pm — 1 Comment

Ride Better 1-2-3: The Problem of Legs Creeping Forward

One of the discussion topics in the past week on this site has been around the problem of legs creeping forward when you ride. From what I see in clinics, this problem spans disciplines- it doesn't seem to matter whether you're in an English or Western saddle. Getting that heel more aligned under your hips is a challenge.

If you look at the past three weeks' worth of Ride Better/Ride Fit! blogs, each of the three riders in the examples also shared this problem.



Added by Heather Sansom at on March 24, 2009 at 3:30pm — 10 Comments

Horse of the Year

Well, it's over for another year...

HOY is the biggest equestrian event in the southern hemisphere, and a great sprawling beast of a show. It runs from Tuesday to Sunday, and includes show jumping, dressage, show hunter, saddle hunter, driving, breed classes, mounted games (eek!), ponies, hacks, small children dressed up like little dolls on exquisite little ponies wearing more make up than Paris Hilton, led by Mums who look like they are going to a wedding. This year there was…


Added by Ottilie on March 24, 2009 at 3:00pm — 2 Comments

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