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Getting Ready for Winter

We have a large haystack. of good hay, our firewood is in.

Due to people being scared of what is going to happen in the economy, two of our leasedhorses were returned to us, a year early. One is in foal.

So we are scrambling around to find more hay, and most people have it already, so we are some concerned, and hope we will be able to take care of all the animals, and people in our family, for the winter.

I stopped listening to all the crud on the news, as our business is doing… Continue

Added by Herbs of the World, Natural Farm Store, Loryhl Davis. on October 11, 2008 at 3:03pm — No Comments

Stormy's Journey

I have a two year-old AQH filly named Ms. Stormy Dry Doc. I brought her hom in May of 2008. She was not halter broke when I got her, therefore we had a long way to go. I didn't think I would ever get any where with her, because for the first week she wouldn't even eat, much less let me catch her. Finally, I changed her feed to a mix of sweet feed mixed with my usualy pelletized performance horse feed. She liked that matter, I'm guessing because of the molasses. Gradually she began to let me…


Added by Hannah on October 4, 2008 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment

November "Horseyscope" by Animal Communicator Lauren Bode

Your monthly Horseyscope is a featured blog by Animal Communicator and Barnmice member Lauren Bode. Thank you Lauren!

Scorpio - October 23- November 21

Happy Birthday! A wonderful year is in store for you. The training that you are putting into your horse now, will come out in the years to come. Be grateful that your horse understands you, training to blend your work and the need to push yourself to the next level means that…


Added by Barnmice Admin on October 4, 2008 at 8:00am — 1 Comment

Barnmice Member Belinda Trussell Sweeps Saugerties Small Tour!

Had to post this news because you couldn't meet a lovelier, more down to earth person....Go Bee!!

Ottawa, ON—Canadian Olympian Belinda Trussell of Stouffville, ON, won all three small tour FEI classes at the New England Dressage Association Fall Festival Of Dressage, CDI-W Saugerties, held in Saugerties, NY, September 10–14, 2008.

Riding the eight-year-old German-bred gelding Anton (Antaeus x Melit) owned by Robyn Eames, Trussell started the competition off by handily…


Added by Barbara F. on September 24, 2008 at 3:30pm — 1 Comment

Hurricane Ike hits Habitat for Horses

During this emergency the efforts of our volunteers have made a powerful impact on the livestock community of Galveston County. While the west end of Galveston Island is on the uphill side of the recovery, Bolivar is just now becoming accessible. The destruction on Bolivar was almost 100%, and the loss of livestock quite heavy. The reports say that only 150 head of cattle and 2 horses are left standing, although we have reports of two mules and… Continue

Added by Emily at Habitat for Horses on September 24, 2008 at 12:45pm — 1 Comment

Just a guick question/been trying to figure this out for weeks!

ok, so i have this video that i've been trying to upload onto barnmice, but every time i try to upload it says there's been an error. it's only about a 40 second video, so it can't be too big
Does barnmice normally upload things from windows movie maker, or do i need to use another program???

i've been trying to figure this out for weeks, post a comment if you can help me


Added by Hilary on September 20, 2008 at 11:23am — 1 Comment

Paralympics - The favourites take the lead 07/09/2008

A fantastic start as the first part of the team competition played out in front of an enthusiastic crowd. For some, it tested their centre court nerves, while for others, it was a stroll in the park.

The 13th edition of the Paralympic Games on the verge of making history 06/09/2008

The highly experienced Anne Dunham and Teddy Eddy add the best score of the day to the already succesful British team effort in the team competition. (c) FEI

An eager crowd… Continue

Added by Barnmice Admin on September 7, 2008 at 3:06pm — No Comments

Oldest para-rider hopes for medal at Beijing Paralympic Games

HONG KONG, Sept. 3 (Xinhua) -- Bermuda's Sandy Mitchell, aged 64and believed to be the oldest rider of the equestrian events at the Beijing Paralympic Games, is looking to earn a medal, no matter its color, in the upcoming competition.

Born in Scotland with cerebral palsy in 1944, Mitchell began riding as a boy but did not devote himself to the sport until just 15 years ago.

His experience as a spectator to applaud for Bermuda's first equestrian team to compete in the…


Added by Gary Stuart on September 5, 2008 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Olympic and Paralympic Stabling Trivia

Did you know?

Engineered wood made from sustainable bamboo was used in the construction of the stables in Hong Kong

Recycled tires were used for internal equine walkways and stall interiors in the stabling complex
All organic waste including horse manure, food waste and bedding (straw, wood, shaving and old newspapers) are being collected and recycled using a vermicomposting (earthworm) process to produce organic fertilizer!

Added by Barnmice Admin on September 4, 2008 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Quotation Of The Month - September 2008

"To understand the soul of a horse is the closest human beings can come to knowing perfection."
~ Author Unknown

Added by Suzanne on September 2, 2008 at 7:00pm — No Comments

Horses I Have Seen

As a saddle fitter, I get to see alot of different horses, and riding styles. I received a call from a woman who was in tears. Her horse had been getting more and more defiant, and that day was unrideable. He did not show outward signs of back soreness, but she had gone every other route to try to solve this problem, to no avail. When I saw the horse, he was in a bad way. On cross ties in the aisle, he was extremely nervous, to the point he was shaking. Examining the saddle on his back, I…


Added by erin wilson on August 28, 2008 at 7:30pm — 1 Comment

Do you have a Rescue horse? Tell us about him/her.

Ok when I was asked to join it was due to a post regarding my rescue pony. So I thought I would bring the conversation over here and ask all of you to tell us about your rescue horse/pony and there story.

Here is my boys story...

Year and a half ago his dam and a few other horses where removed from a starvation situation. Few days after Animal Control removed them the mares where dropping foals on the ground. My boy (Titus) being one of them. He was actually a twin. The twin…


Added by Briana on August 25, 2008 at 10:00pm — 5 Comments

Ever heard of Teff or Tiffany hay?

My husband grew this on his farm this year and it has been a WONDERFUL crop. It's got great points for those that have IR or Cushings horses. It's gluten free. Has low sugar count and NSC (Non-structured carbohydrates) of typically under 10%.

Would be interested to hear any response from anyone that has fed teff and there opinions on it.

Or even if anyone has questions on it. I'ld be glad to answer them (or find the answer) lol


Homestead Sporthorses Horses…


Added by Briana on August 25, 2008 at 10:00pm — No Comments

Ian Millar's First Olympic Medal - A Career High After a Tough Year

(Excerpt from Horse Sport)

Forty years after Canada earned its only Olympic Team show jumping medal, the Canadian team stood on the medal podium today.

Canada’s team captain, Ian Millar, was daring last night in predicting a medal today. After the loss of Mac Cone’s mount, Ole, Canada lost the luxury of a drop score, in a contest where the best three scores count. But, the remaining three team members met the pressure head-on. Jill Henselwood on Special Ed produced the…


Added by Katherine on August 18, 2008 at 5:30pm — No Comments

Horses I Have Seen-mini pony

I received a call for a saddle fit to a stable I had never been to. It was quite a long drive, and as I drove in the yard, my mood sank. The stable was an old rundown cow barn, and the yard was full of piles of junk. The owner was a grumpy old cowboy who walked with a limp. He gruffly agreed to show me the horse I had come to fit the saddle for, but I could tell he had little interest in helping me. As we walked to the stable door, I wondered about the condition of the animals inside. I got… Continue

Added by erin wilson on August 18, 2008 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Catching up

Well, it has been pretty eventful working with Sky.

Monday, we went on our weekly trail ride.

The kayaks were going to eat her, she was convinced of this. She's a very smart horse and she kept having to look back to make sure they either weren't there or weren't following her.

We did some hills, some galloping, some cantering, trotting, and all and all, had a great ride.

But the highlight of our ride....

We jumped for our first…


Added by Heather on August 15, 2008 at 12:30am — 1 Comment

Jobs with horses. It doesn't always mean scooping poop! :)

At we have many people ask us about how they can progress in the equine industry or they are looking for ways to get back to doing what they really love....working with horses.

Like many of you, I started as a child, mucking stalls in return for a riding lessons or to pay off a lease on a riding school pony. Later I was mucking stalls to help pay for the stabling of our pony and so the barter system goes... Also…


Added by Sarah at on August 14, 2008 at 9:00pm — No Comments


A friend sent this in an email the other day, and it really tickled me:

Why do I like horses? I reckon I must be mad.

My mother wasn't horsey - And neither was my dad.

But the madness hit me early – and it hit me like a curse.

And I've never gotten better. In fact…I've gotten worse.

My stables are immaculate. My house is like a hovel.

Last year for my birthday - I got a brand new shovel.

I hardly read a paper - but I know who's… Continue

Added by Ottilie on August 12, 2008 at 4:10am — 4 Comments

Horses I Have Seen

I work as a saddle fitter. My job is to make horses more comfortable in their every day work. As a result, I am on the road most of the time. I go to different stables, seeing the best, and the worst situations horses find themselves in.
I would like to share some of these stories with you, as the people, and the horses I meet are sometimes heart warming, sometimes heart breaking, but always interesting.

Added by erin wilson on August 11, 2008 at 11:11am — No Comments

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