All Blog Posts Tagged 'horse back riding' (431)

Advice from FEI Judge Janet Brown-Foy

Janet Brown-Foy was teaching a clinic this weekend at the barn where I ride. She had one horse after the next, and during a quick break she was kind enough to remain in a very cold arena and answer a few questions that I thought might be of help to anyone riding and competing in dressage.…


Added by Barbara F. on February 21, 2010 at 5:30pm — 5 Comments

Masters Dressage Freestyle Night--Drawing Inspiration From Music

Masters Dressage Freestyle Night--Drawing Inspiration From Music

The idea of the “perfect riding” music has been in my head since last Saturday night when I was fortunate enough to watch some of the best riders in the world compete in the

Masters Freestyle CDI*****. Eight riders competed, with no two rider’s

music even similar. How amazing and how fascinating. There were composed pieces, there was rock,

there was…


Added by Ruth Hogan Poulsen on February 21, 2010 at 5:30pm — 1 Comment

Lifelong learning

So I have been working twice as much at Hadlow College for the past few weeks, which has extended my repetoire to classroom teaching. Holding the attention of 10-15 young minds is a challenge so much preparation has been needed on my part, to grasp fully the subjects for teaching and also to plan the session so that it is interactive, interesting and importantly full of learning hooks. Fortunately the way I have been trained to teach so far has been following the lines of the UKCC…


Added by Anna Trinder on February 14, 2010 at 3:00pm — No Comments









Added by William Micklem on February 12, 2010 at 4:00am — 4 Comments

Horsey sleep over

Well I took two of my 4 horses to a sleep over at another barn for some lessons in Classical work, and I was very proud of them. Stonee, my giant horse, is afraid of everything and very insecure, due to being kept in one barn for 8 years of his life and not really getting out. He was much better this time, the anxiety is lessening. And Indy, my 4 year old Appendix was an absolute star! She loaded well after having inspected the trailer, and travelled well. After the lessons she hung out with…


Added by P.Ann Turner on February 7, 2010 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Best of William Micklem - 9 - LOVE IS THE ANSWER

It is so easy at times to lose control slightly and ask too much of your horse...or possibly worst, to intentionally ask too much in a deliberate and continual way in the belief that 'stretching' the horse in this way will yield greater progress. Education is the key, but to develop the experience, feel, and sensitivity to judge with some accuracy how much a horse can be asked is not a short journey. However what a hugely rewarding…


Added by William Micklem on February 5, 2010 at 4:00am — 11 Comments

CDI 5* Exquis World Dressage Masters Starts Today

Today's GP start times: Belinda Trussell & Anton ride at 1:10; Ashley Holzer & Pop Art at 1:50; and Diane Creech & Devon L ride at 3:15pm.

Added by Dressage Canada on February 4, 2010 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Beat the February Horse Blahs

Winters in Canada can be very long and arduous for the horse owner. If you don't have a riding arena the snow and the cold can really limit the quality and quantity of your rides. Don't get me wrong I love riding on those nice sunny winter days with a fresh powder on the ground but those days are far and few between here in southern Ontario. Most days we are dealing with deep snow, icy conditions, very cold weather or just a very bleak cloudy day.

I'll stop there before I… Continue

Added by Steve Wawryk on February 3, 2010 at 11:30am — No Comments

Exquis World Dressage Masters This Weekend

Just an update to let you know that it looks like four Canadians will be competing at the World Dressage Masters CDI5* this weekend in Florida. Ashley Holzer/PopArt, Belinda Trussell/Anton will be joined by Diane Creech/Devon L and Cheryl Meisner/Paganini. Stay tuned for results.

Added by Dressage Canada on February 1, 2010 at 8:30pm — No Comments

Staying Connected

As dressage riders, we strive constantly to keep our horses "connected" - that is, working "on the bit." A truly connected horse has a relaxed back, with power that comes from behind, moves over the back, and gets recycled back to the hind legs. When a horse is truly connected, riding is pure joy.

This is, of course, a state of being that takes correct training of both horse and… Continue

Added by saddlebroke on January 31, 2010 at 6:00pm — 4 Comments

The Rebirth of a Rider

For many years I never did what other people did. Whenever I was in barns people always came to watch me ride, I still haven't figured out why - maybe it was because I never fought with my horses. All my life I have ridden thoroughbreds off the racetrack, most of whom nobody else would take on as they were labelled "wild and crazy". Those wild and crazy horses taught me so much. I learned at a young age to listen to what the horse was trying to tell me - common sense. As a young girl I was… Continue

Added by P.Ann Turner on January 30, 2010 at 11:30am — 3 Comments

Finding the right horse...

After riding for several years, I've decided that it's time to get serious and find a horse to call my own. Finding my first horse is proving to be challenging. I need a seasoned horse that I can handle. I admit that I'm not considered an "advanced" rider yet, and don't want a horse that will prove to be to much for me. Also, I absolutely love jumping, and I need a horse young enough to be able to safely jump.… Continue

Added by Elizabeth on January 23, 2010 at 10:30pm — 4 Comments

Digging trenches - son of a DITCH

Ok, Ok, I know those of you back east have snow and all, and up in the Pacific northwest, rain is common - but here in So Cal, and especially here in the Mojave desert - we don't often get days and days of rain. We get days and days of WIND. Not wet stuff.

But it is here now. We really Need the rain and all that stuff - and i have spent a week trying to get prepared - adding dirt in low spots, digging a few preparatory trenches. But Oh lordy - this is a lot of water and the Big storm… Continue

Added by Monica Whitmer on January 21, 2010 at 11:00am — No Comments

What to do if your pony is spooky....

Ok, so up until like 5 days ago I just rode through all my ponies bucks, rears and take-offs that were caused by her spooking. I had a lesson with my dressage coach and she gave me the idea to do a inside flection. Also make sure that your horse of pony is in front of your leg, that will give them something to focus on and they will forget to think about the scary thing! If… Continue

Added by Ruairi on January 20, 2010 at 8:30pm — 2 Comments

The "ahaa" moment for me and Jack

So I've been working with this Quarter Horse gelding that came into the Western Riding school where I work a couple of months ago. He's a nice horse just hasn't had any real training. So for the last sixty days we have been working a lot on flexion, bend, moving forward, moving off my leg, just getting him more broke in the face etc.

So I just had to share this because… Continue

Added by Heather Little on January 10, 2010 at 9:00am — 3 Comments

Looking Back...Moving Forward

While it may be cliché, somehow I can't imagine any more appropriate post on New Year's Day. As I sit here, watching the Tournament of Roses Parade (and pausing the DVR frequently to admire the equestrian units), I can't help but look back at 2009 and everything I've gone through with Samba, and build upon my plans for us in 2010.

Samba became mine in February, a few months shy of her fourth birthday. Although all horses "turn" a year older on January 1st, I just can't bring myself… Continue

Added by saddlebroke on January 1, 2010 at 1:30pm — 2 Comments

Robert Dover Talks About His New Role With The Canadian Dressage Team

This fall, Robert Dover was named Coach and Technical Advisor for the Canadian Dressage Team, so when I sat down to interview him I expected a cut and dry discussion about strategy, goals and timetables. What I got was so much more.

Robert is, quite simply, an extraordinary person to talk to. His focus, creativity and positive energy are contagious. It is no wonder his appointment has the Canadian equestrian scene buzzing.

What is your specific role with the…

Added by Barbara F. on December 8, 2009 at 8:30am — No Comments

Shadowing the best

Thanks to someone's Internet addiction I ended up being given a fantastic opportunity to shadow Anna Ross Davies - an international Grand Prix dressage rider and trainer. Anna invited me to spend a day with her watching her working her horses at her base at Bury Farm in the morning and teaching variety of clients there and at… Continue

Added by Wiola Grabowska on December 1, 2009 at 4:30pm — 2 Comments

Retraining The Pacer ~ A Standardbred horse training video

A video produced by the Standardbred Fan Club that shows you the five simple steps in re-training

your Standardbred horse from a pace racing career to a riding horse.

The video includes the initial ground work (teaching voice association), lunging work (developing bending muscles, developing the trot and teaching the canter), preparation for the first ride, initial riding work and exercise, developing the trot and canter… Continue

Added by Standardbred Fan Club on December 1, 2009 at 11:30am — No Comments

Medical Approach to Teaching = the evening with Andrew Murphy. The mud and comforting cup of tea.

It's the winter that's always the hardest in this job. It's not even the cold and the rain and short dark days, it's the tiredness that comes with it. I feel shattered and organising everything so it runs more or less smoothly seems like a grand effort. It's even worse when one or two things crop up unexpected which means whatever managed to be painstakingly planned ends up upside down and inside out.

I spent last evening in Hampshire… Continue

Added by Wiola Grabowska on November 24, 2009 at 6:30pm — No Comments

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