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Christmas Books

Christmas Books

I did not get to ride this week. Part of the reason is that I am being super cautious about the Covid-19 pandemic, and the other reason is that, for once, winter came to NC just after the Winter Solstice. It is 20º F here right now at 9:30 AM. No snow, just bitter cold.…


Added by Jackie Cochran on December 26, 2020 at 11:13am — No Comments

A "Second Opinion"?

A “Second Opinion”?

Winter has arrived, at least for now.

Horses tend to get a little friskier when the winter comes, even if the temperature at that day is not terribly cold. With the changing daylight hormones change, and the shorter daylight hours may bring up instinctive ancestral memories of cold weather=increased…


Added by Jackie Cochran on December 19, 2020 at 11:35am — 2 Comments

Finally, a Lesson

Finally, a Lesson

When Thanksgiving, with all the travel and massing of people happened, I realized that it would be best for me to keep away from Debbie's rather large boarding/lesson stable for two weeks. This did not please me at all, Debbie gives me really effective physical therapy, telling me when I start losing track of my limbs and making sure that I keep my base of support on…


Added by Jackie Cochran on December 12, 2020 at 1:06pm — No Comments

I'm Grateful I Got to Ride at All

I'm Grateful I Got to Ride at All

I called Debbie last Tuesday to tell her I would not be riding at her stable this week. I am paranoid about her boarders/lesson students not being careful with Covid-19 preventive measures, a valid concern since I am usually the only person wearing a mask at the stable. I told Debbie I was following the news, and if her clients had been Liberal Democrats I…


Added by Jackie Cochran on December 5, 2020 at 10:56am — No Comments

The Oakley Diaries 47 - No Ride November

It is snowing today. It snowed like this exactly one month ago, which saved my life. I'll explain.

On the day after it snowed, I went for our usual training, some trotting over cavaletti, some canter - stop - turn on haunches - canter again; nothing we haven't done a dozen times before.

But suddenly Oakley decided he'd had enough and threw his nose in the air, then reared. He went up, then slipped, and, before I could get out of the saddle, he was above me, and we both landed…


Added by B. G. Hearns on December 1, 2020 at 8:23pm — 1 Comment

Then Cider Changes Her Mind

Then Cider Changes Her Mind

It is getting into the odd season down here. I was just starting to get ready for my lesson on Wednesday when Debbie called, she had a sinus infection and she told me that one of her boarders had tested positive to Covid-19. With Thanksgiving being the next day and all the people coming into the barn I decided it was best for me to stop riding at my lesson barn for a…


Added by Jackie Cochran on November 28, 2020 at 10:38am — No Comments

Cider Finally Gives Me What I Want

Cider Finally Gives Me What I Want

For the last few years Cider has had problems going down-slope. This was very obvious on one side of the ring next to the fence, she would increase her flinching, slow down and pick her way carefully down the slope. She was not happy about it but she is a good mare and did her best to obey my aids even when her front leg joints protested.…


Added by Jackie Cochran on November 21, 2020 at 12:34pm — No Comments

(Firmly) correcting a dog yes or no?

I see a big difference between how people on the internet claim to train their dog and in real life.

Online most people say to only train their dog with positive reinforcement (treats, praise, affection etc). Comments under any video that is only close to correcting a dog contain words as 'abuse' and 'should not have a dog', often much worse than that.

However at the park and in the homes of my friends I see many different methods. Most people in…


Added by Amy on November 17, 2020 at 9:01am — No Comments

Nothing Much Happening

Nothing Much Happening

Except for a good bit of rain and being sort of sick.

I did get a few rides in, fortunately, though I did not have much endurance because of whatever it was that I had. I even got two lessons with Debbie!

The first lesson, on MJ of…


Added by Jackie Cochran on November 14, 2020 at 10:25am — No Comments

Sogginess and Wind Gusts

Sogginess and Wind Gusts

This week we had to deal with the outlying rain bands of Tropical Storm Zeta, and then the storm itself came through. The river is full, the creeks are full, and the earth goes squish when we walk on it.

I got Debbie for my teacher this week. She has been busy the last few weeks getting herself and…


Added by Jackie Cochran on October 31, 2020 at 11:08am — No Comments

Cider Said "Yes"!

Cider Said “Yes”!

When I called Shannon last Saturday night to see if I could ride on Sunday I excitedly told her that I finally had a double bridle made up for Cider. I asked if I could introduce Cider to it, and Shannon said yes! She told me she had never used a double bridle herself, and had not used one on a horse, and she was eager to see how it all worked. I warned her we would probably…


Added by Jackie Cochran on October 24, 2020 at 10:26am — No Comments

Sam Agrees About my Lower Leg

Sam Agrees About my Lower Leg

I just got my lesson in this week since we have been having plentiful rain at times.

Debbie was going off on a trail ride when I got to the stable so Tercel was out in the hall. I went up to say hi to him, and Debbie told me he had turned 20 years old. Apparently, from what Debbie has told me,…


Added by Jackie Cochran on October 17, 2020 at 11:01am — No Comments

A Scary Experience

So I had an extremely interesting ride today. It's been a couple weeks since I have gone out to the barn, but with clients coming out tomorrow I really had to get on a couple of the buggers to get them ready.

My first ride was great! The horse is extremely trustworthy and equally good outside as he is inside - a total ammy horse!

The second ride... Well this is where things got fun. The mare is not only chestnut, but…

Added by Moocow on October 13, 2020 at 9:52pm — 1 Comment

MJ and I Try a New Bit

MJ and I Try a New Bit

In my eternal search for a yet more perfect bit I decided to try one of Fager Bit's two new types of Weymouth curbs. Unlike the Mullen mouth Victoria curb these new curbs have a “port”, but it is not angled like the Cambridge mouth port which is parallel to the shanks of the bit. The Fager “port” goes up vertically from the line of the shanks of the bit. The Fager site…


Added by Jackie Cochran on October 10, 2020 at 10:40am — No Comments

R. I. P. Bingo

R.I.P. Bingo

I was not able to ride at Debbie's for two weeks. When I got to the barn Debbie told me that Bingo had died, he had gone down, could not/would not get up, and the veterinarian put him down. The vet had known Bingo for many years, and she told Debbie that Bingo could well have been even older than the mid to late twenties we had assumed. Debbie stayed with Bingo during the process…


Added by Jackie Cochran on October 3, 2020 at 11:11am — No Comments

Cider is My Thigh Master

Cider is My Thigh Master

The past two weeks I did not ride at Debbie's stable at all, which means that I did not get a lesson and I did not get to ride with the double bridle.

I have been able to ride Cider, thank goodness.

Cider is so stiff now, and she…


Added by Jackie Cochran on September 26, 2020 at 1:36pm — No Comments

The Oakley Diaries 46 - Labour Day Ride

We got invited to the Eglinton Caledon Hunter Pace meet on Labour Day. Not an actual hunt, but a long course across country, very far from the city. I think I've found Oakley's calling.

The course is simple, we follow a marked trail 19km long, which wends its way over hill and dale, across meadows around crops, along paths and through woods. Sometimes we walked, sometimes we trotted, sometimes we cantered, and sometimes we galloped full out. Still kind of fun to pass my friends like…


Added by B. G. Hearns on September 14, 2020 at 8:54am — 1 Comment

A Taste of Fall

A Taste of Fall

Last Sunday's weather was simply wonderful. When I stuck my head out of the front door it was COOL, so cool that I felt no need to wear my ice vest. In fact it was cool enough that I could wear my protective vest, a regular shirt, leather half-chaps, and I did not have to use my hanging neck fan. Together with the lower humidity it was glorious.…


Added by Jackie Cochran on September 12, 2020 at 1:09pm — No Comments

A Truly Horrible Noise

A Truly Horrible Noise

At least Cider thought so.

Last Sunday I had my usual ride on Cider, and as usual lately Cider was not too eager to move—at all. Shannon told me that Cider had her hooves trimmed a few days before which probably explained a good bit of it, changing hoof angles can magnify pain until everything settles…


Added by Jackie Cochran on September 5, 2020 at 11:07am — No Comments

The Oakley Diaries 45 - Summer 2020

We began the summer, after the Solstice, with some relaxing of the COVID-19 health restrictions. Finally, open-air competitions were allowed, and, glory be... there was a weekend with a training meet and I wasn't working! The competition was a teaching format, which means day one, I went round the entire course with a coach, over all the jumps, and day 2 went round again, but as a competition.

So we spent the first training day doing well enough, our dressage was sloppy... much…


Added by B. G. Hearns on August 28, 2020 at 9:31am — 1 Comment

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