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Exclusive Thanksgiving Vlog!!!

Hey! There will be an exclusive Thanksgiving vlog coming up. It will be filmed and posted Wednesday by 8:00 pm. If there are any delays or changes you guys will be the first to hear. I am not going to spoil it for you but I will tell you this, it will be so fun! I will be posting a preview on Monday or Tuesday, whenever I get time to film. Then your weekly vlog will be out on Saturday. There will be 3 blogs coming out this week! Usually there is 1 per week unless it is vlogmas so you should…


Added by Lucy on November 21, 2021 at 4:28pm — No Comments

"I Want the YUMMY Hay!"

“I Want the YUMMY Hay!”

MJ has a fixation on timothy hay. He is outside in one of the grass paddocks that also has a big hay roll 24/7/365 so he always has something to eat. But to the refined tastes of MJ the hay in the big roll is inferior to the timothy hay from square bales. The stable workers spread flats from the timothy bales every day so the outside horses can get some, but MJ also…


Added by Jackie Cochran on November 20, 2021 at 10:51am — No Comments

Double Trouble ?


Added by Noche Miller on November 17, 2021 at 10:51am — No Comments

What tack should I use?

I have done English for about 4 years now but I haven’t owned my own English tack till about 2 years ago. I am just wondering what brand saddle pad to get for a jumping pad. Thank you!!! 

Added by Lucy on November 16, 2021 at 9:43pm — 1 Comment

Pictures of Aspen!!!


Added by Lucy on November 15, 2021 at 8:04pm — 4 Comments

What is your favorite horse breed?

   My name is Lucy. What is your favorite horse breed? My favorite horse breed is an Arabian, or a mustang. I have both breeds and many more but my favorites are definitely the Arabian and the mustang. 
Leave your fav breed in the comments!

=my Arabian, Aspen.

Added by Lucy on November 14, 2021 at 2:46pm — 2 Comments

Going Down a Rabbit Hole

Going Down a Rabbit Hole

Last Sunday it was COLD at Shannon's paddocks, when I stuck my head out I thought I would not need my winter jacket, but I was wrong, wrong, wrong.

The wind, sometimes gusting, made the shaded “stable yard” cold. Cider did not look very happy to be there and Shannon and Nancy had draped the various…


Added by Jackie Cochran on November 13, 2021 at 9:30am — No Comments

My Prescription--Ride Horses More!

My Prescription—Ride Horses More!

Over a week ago I got to see my neurologist for our regular appointment. He gave me the usual soundness exam, and when I explained the term he agreed that I was “serviceably sound” for what I do in my life. He agreed that I am serviceably sound, and he actually prescribed more riding!!!! He understands my problems with keeping safe from Covid-19 at my lesson…


Added by Jackie Cochran on November 6, 2021 at 10:45am — No Comments

On The Radio!

I had a very big day yesterday.
It was a bit of a secret, I thought about mentioning it ahead of time but there was no way to share it in process. Besides, what if I messed the whole thing up? I didn't want to tell people ahead of time and have everyone know I did awful. So I waited.…

Added by Noche Miller on October 27, 2021 at 11:31am — No Comments

What Affects the Legs Can Affect the Back

What Affects the Legs Can Affect the Back

When we got to Shannon's last Sunday Cider was all groomed, draped with the BOT and Fenwick ¼ sheets over her back, and all four exercise boots were on her legs (plus the Fenwick pastern wraps on her front legs.) Cider did not look completely happy, but hey, it was cooler and nippier, plenty of reason not to be…


Added by Jackie Cochran on October 23, 2021 at 11:12am — No Comments


noun: phrenology
  1. the…

Added by Noche Miller on October 20, 2021 at 10:46am — No Comments

Then Life Interferes

Then Life Interferes

I just got to ride twice since my last blog, my grandsons visited, I got a little sick, then Debbie went on a vacation, so I did not get to ride this week at all. Of course my balance is suffering, right now I have a tendency to want to face plant if I don't watch every step, hopefully I'll get to ride Cider tomorrow and start getting my body back. Right now my…


Added by Jackie Cochran on October 16, 2021 at 10:29am — No Comments

Sight Unseen

We’ve all seen the pleas, about to ship, this horse needs saved now.

I know there are pitfalls and a definite dark side to the slaughter horse industry. Setting that aside for the moment, what if you decide that you can’t let the horse go? How do you decide to take the chance and pull that horse? There are many reasons horses end up in kill pens. Lameness and behavioral issues are two big ones. There are also many good horses who end up there through shear bad luck. What are the odds…


Added by Noche Miller on October 13, 2021 at 10:30am — No Comments

Understanding Horse Whorls

Understanding Horse Whorls is now available in paperback!

Since its release as an ebook in April of 2021 Understanding Horse Whorls has sold around the whorl. Here in the US, next door in Canada, from England to Australia, and even Norway, Germany, Paraguay, South Africa, Bulgaria, Germany, and the Netherlands.

People kept asking when it would be available in paper form? An ebook is great but a book you can hold in your hands has a special appeal. After lots of work and with a…


Added by Noche Miller on October 7, 2021 at 10:30am — 1 Comment

Amazing Progress

Amazing Progress

I actually have something new to report this week.

In my last post I described how draping the Fenwick quarter sheet of Cider's croup while she was being groomed and saddled positively affected her. After that I went on line to the Fenwick site and bought her a pair of pastern wraps and a pair of leg wraps.…


Added by Jackie Cochran on October 2, 2021 at 10:09am — 1 Comment

Strawberry Roan

Surely I’m not the only one who likes the old western songs? Yes, old country songs, but the western genre. Those cowboy songs about horses and cattle.
If we listen to them they give fascinating insight to the horses of the day.
They also tell us how subconsciously people have always used head…

Added by Noche Miller on September 20, 2021 at 10:30am — No Comments

A Warm Croup

A Warm Croup

Last Sunday I had a pretty good ride on Cider. Even though it was cooler Cider was not flinching as much.

When we drove up to Shannon's place her mom, Nancy, was getting Cider ready. I noticed that Nancy had put the Fenwick quarter sheet over Cider's croup, she said that she thought Cider might appreciate it…


Added by Jackie Cochran on September 11, 2021 at 12:13pm — No Comments


So often it can be hard to tell what aspects of a horse they are born with an which ones they have developed from the handling they have received over time.

Righteous is one of those horses.

He came with a whole list of behavioral issues and phobias. Luckily for him he landed with one of the few people willing to put the time in to help him. Explosive and overly sensitive, getting him closer to being a ride-able horse who could be handled on the ground has been a long journey.…


Added by Noche Miller on September 10, 2021 at 10:30am — No Comments

It’s with a heavy heart that I am writing this. I’m concerned I’m going to have to put my boy into retirement. What do you do if you have a 20-year-old horse that you love to death and he can’t perfo…

It’s with a heavy heart that I am writing this. I’m concerned I’m going to have to put my boy into retirement. What do you do if you have a 20-year-old horse that you love to death and he can’t perform anymore? There is no answer but one. You keep him. But what if you want to still compete? How does one afford two horses? I need help! Here is Henry and his ice boots for the third month in a row hoping he will be better soon.…


Added by Bricole Reincke on September 9, 2021 at 12:43am — 2 Comments

I Return to What Worked Before

I Return to What Worked Before

I only got to ride once last week, sniff.

Since Cider was so upset over the last Weymouth I tried with her, I decided it would be best for both of us to go back to what definitely worked before. The time for experimentation is over, Cider did best with the former combination of the 125mm Fager…


Added by Jackie Cochran on September 4, 2021 at 11:19am — No Comments

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