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Are You Ready for a Flying Change?

Before you even ask your horse to do a flying change, there are a number of requirements that should come easily to you and your horse.

1. Can the horse do collected, medium and extended canter?

2. Can the horse do a clean canter walk canter transition? (no trot steps)

3. Can the horse…


Added by Ruth Hogan Poulsen on February 19, 2009 at 7:00am — No Comments

Dream an Impossible Dream

Do you ever dream an impossible dream? Although you might think this week's quote is from Frank Sinatra, it is actually from Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland.

Download and print the newest To Do List from my blog.

Believe an impossible dream today!

Added by Karen Brenner on February 19, 2009 at 6:30am — No Comments

Make Good Riding Your Habit

Correct Fundamentals help you "do the right things right".

As a rider, you need to put the fundamentals in place so that the right things happen by habit. Good riders ride well, because their right habits are so ingrained into their philosophy and their thought processes that they do routine things without thinking.

Developing the correct habits…


Added by Tim Stockdale on February 16, 2009 at 6:00pm — 3 Comments

Shakespeare in love ...

Lest anyone think that Valentine's Day is going to pass us by without a jaunty love missive from one Shakespeare the Equine, let me not disappoint you but offer, herewith, his ode to one fair filly who lives down the aisle ... Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Fair Damsel

To Fergie

Is it thine amorous eye

That seizes mine awareness,

Or the wistful yearning of thy

Tender whispers in mine attentive ear?

I know not save the craving…


Added by Dorothy McDonall on February 14, 2009 at 10:00am — 1 Comment

Responsible Horse Ownership

In light of recent events I feel compelled to write about "responsible horse ownership". While this may seem best suited for the new or first-time owner, I have seen hard evidence that many "experienced" horse owners may benefit from the following as well.

A common state amongst professionals serving the equine community is one of bewilderment. Many of us visit farms, barns & private acreages, seeing what I describe as "WWYT syndrome"; or, "What Were You Thinking?" While I…


Added by Kevan on February 13, 2009 at 11:00pm — 3 Comments

A horse of a different colour

Hello and best wishes to you all from our winter wonderland at Riversong Ranch in Alberta.

This being my first blog here on Barnmice I’d first like to say what an honour and privilege it is to be invited to join the ranks of such renowned colleagues as Jane Savoie, William Micklem and Tim Stockdale.

I’d also like to say right up front that I believe it is truism that a writer should only express opinions about what he or she has proven themselves to know something…


Added by Chris Irwin on February 13, 2009 at 4:00pm — 12 Comments

How to Train and Ride the Free Walk

Hi Guys,

Today, let's focus on the Free Walk.

1. What is the free walk? The free walk is a gait of relaxation.

2. What should it look like?

* Your horse should lengthen his frame and lower his head and neck so he looks like he's going to graze. His poll is lower than his withers.

* He should open the angle at his throatlatch so his nose points a bit forward, and he looks like he's stretching toward the bit.

* His strides become longer so…


Added by Jane Savoie on February 13, 2009 at 10:00am — 2 Comments

Are You Always Busy? Read this quote . . .

Are you always busy? The world can seem hectic at times. This week, why don't you print the To Do List and write down one thing you will do to relax on each day of the calendar?

I'm going to write: Take time to smell the horses!

Here's a link to the printable To Do…


Added by Karen Brenner on February 12, 2009 at 7:30am — No Comments

Brenda Minor: 5 top questions riders ask regarding judging

Now that is an interesting question. The rules are very clear that should a rider at a competition have a question for the judge, they must first ask permission to do so through the steward or technical delegate. An excellent tactic, in that it usually means there will be some emotional involvement and the presence of a third party may allow for some coolness of thought. However, in my experience, riders do not ask judges anything. I believe it is the general perception that to talk to a…


Added by Joanna @ Red Scarf Equestrian on February 11, 2009 at 3:30pm — 5 Comments

Crooked Riders = Crooked Horses: Develop Your Awareness of Balance and Symmetry

Crooked Riders = Crooked Horses: Develop Your Awareness of Balance and Symmetry

Like many young girls, I grew up carousing around my neighborhood bareback on my pony. The saddle came out for 4-H, otherwise, I stuck to her sleek back like glue. In college, I went on to work for a dressage trainer, never thinking that moving with the motion of a horse could be a problem. In my mid-20s, lured north to the arctic, I quit riding. I moved with my husband to the Brooks…


Added by Sit_the_Trot on February 10, 2009 at 8:30pm — No Comments

Horse Travel Tips 'n Tricks


Plan ahead! (Preparation is less stressful and you’ll be happy you did)

Cool eye packs and neck pillows is a must when traveling. They provide relief and relaxation especially when you return from a dusty horse park.

Consider the climate (always pack a small telescopic umbrella)

Remember Important documents and necessities (this should be done at least 2 months prior)

Reserve anything important in advance (don’t assume anything)…


Added by Joanna @ Red Scarf Equestrian on February 10, 2009 at 9:30am — 2 Comments

Sitting on a moving horse with ease, grace, supple posture, and a deep seat = Sit The Trot!

In 1733 F.R. de la Guérinière lamented that to bring out the beauty of our horse we need “an air of ease and freedom… a controlled yet supple posture...depth of seat” but riders weren’t working to achieve it.

And today? Despite knowledge of biomechanics and physiology elegance and control on a moving horse eludes many of us, Some riders don’t take the time to work on themselves. Others strengthen and stretch, yet they still struggle. Many think they just ride that way,…


Added by Sit_the_Trot on February 10, 2009 at 12:30am — 2 Comments

A Safety Checklist for You and Your Horse

Always have in your mind that horses are unpredictable animals, not machines. Our familiarity can lead to taking liberties and accidents occurring.

How many of these practices are on your own safety list?

1. Always wear clothes and boots that are designed for riding.

2. ALWAYS wear a riding helmet that fits you correctly and complies with current standards.

3. If you are young, your horse is misbehaving, you are out of practice or you…


Added by Tim Stockdale on February 9, 2009 at 1:30pm — 7 Comments

Excited to be back in the saddle so to speak!

Gosh, it has been a very difficult past few years with my children but finally have them all straightened out and happy so now it is mommy's turn! Have a few personally goals - started to lose weight last year and then hit a platue so back at it again as this year is MY YEAR! With no truck it gives me the time I need to prepare for showing in 2010. We had two unexpected foals last year at the same time, we lost our grand old broodmare Different Season - one of the few remaing CH Kourageous…


Added by Andrea Hard on February 9, 2009 at 8:30am — No Comments

Questions (and Answers) About Horse Worms with Dr. Dan

Questions (and Answers) About Horse Worms with Dr. Dan

Equine Wellness "Fecal Test Article" with Dr. Dan

What process does a fecal test typically follow?

Personally we do a fecal floatation test which concentrates…


Added by The Natural Horse Vet on February 8, 2009 at 9:00am — No Comments

Lauren Bode's Horseyscope Right on the Nail

Okay if this wasn't right on the nail or what for February (and we are only on day 8, so far).

Aries - March 21 - April 19

Your expertise will be needed this month more so than ever. It appears that you are suddenly being seen as the great trainer you are with your gentle and effective methods being brought to the forefront and put on display. Just enjoy the compliments. Taking some time for yourself and your horse will be uppermost in your mind, it will be beneficial…


Added by Diana on February 8, 2009 at 7:30am — No Comments

Cinch Magazine- The Great Bitless Experiment

Cinch Magazine will be pursuing the 'Great Bitless Experiment' in the summer of '09 to determine, once and for all, the effectiveness of riding bitless versus bitted. Our study will include: well-broken horses, green horses, a nervous pony and starting a horse under saddle with the bitless bridle. We will be using a variety of different riders: adults, children, begginer to advanced. If the bitless experience works out for schooling, we will also try it in the competition ring!



Added by Heather Frydendahl on February 8, 2009 at 12:00am — 5 Comments

Feb 7/09 - Time to start reviving Pony Breeders of Ontario

Back in the fall of 2005, I attempted to set up a formal organization called Pony Breeders of Ontario, similar to the organizations of Virginia Pony Breeders Association, Maryland PBA, Florida PBA and Minnesota PBA. I held an information/working session the end of October and we have a small number of very enthusiastic people attend and a lot of work was done in ironing out what the group wanted and how the organization should work.

I and the interim Board of Directors spent many…


Added by Diana on February 7, 2009 at 12:00pm — 3 Comments

Christine Traurig Clinic

This past week I got to do a two day clinic with Christine Traurig. It was extremely helpful and it really brought some of me and Chance's issue's into light. I would like to share some of the great tips I got.

February 4 - First Day

On the first day we worked a lot on Chance's frame and the quickness of his hindquarters. He needed to have quicker, higher steps and not just run through my hands. Once we got the right engagement he was able to come into my hands from…


Added by Catherine Chamberlain on February 6, 2009 at 9:30pm — 2 Comments


Well, it's not a done deal yet, but it's really looking like I will be adopting a Standardbred very soon. I was all set to do it last month and then got laid off my job so that sort of put a hold on the proceedings. Still, I have ridden this little fellow a couple of times now and am really pleased with him so I expect I will find a way. I feel confident that I will be back working again soon and can finally get this gelding home and start getting to know him.

Greener Pastures in…


Added by April Keays on February 6, 2009 at 1:00pm — 2 Comments

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