
The Over 40 Rider

Site for the older rider. Those coming back to horses or have never left that are over the age of 40.

Members: 307
Latest Activity: Sep 3, 2018

Discussion Forum

Any Nova Scotia Riders in this Group?

Started by Anne Gage May 4, 2015.

Fearful Rider Seminar and Clinic

Started by Understanding the Horse Apr 27, 2013.

Things that let You know might be an Older rider if.....?? 29 Replies

Started by Cindi Roberts. Last reply by bex Nov 12, 2012.

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Comment by Lorraine Lewis on May 9, 2009 at 1:21pm
thanks for all your hello's i imagine the board is slowing down cos of the nice weather and all horsey people want to go bath their babies.... happy mothers day to all you mums out there...
Comment by Eileen on May 9, 2009 at 8:18am
The outfitter that I worked for in Alaska was above Fairbanks, about 20 miles south of Yukon River. The outfitter has since become just big game fishing I think and no horses now. But it was Called the Lost Creek Ranch. Watson Lake is one of the spots where I stopped and camped with the horses Stuart is also a familiar name, made a wrong turn at a stop for supplies or fuel or something and kept heading boy that was a shock to see that sign "Alasla" after driving for 3 days or so...did the same thing in Saskatchewan one year...ended up at the US border somehow, in as storm with rain and wind etc...did I feel stupid or what. lol The nice man on the Canadian side called the other nice man on the U.S. side to ask him if he would mind if this horse trailer could do a Uie in his lot. lol I waved as I sheepishly turn around and headed back in the right direction...that was a hell of a storm that night too.
Comment by Cindy Jeffery on May 9, 2009 at 3:56am
Eileen that would be Highway 37 from Watson Lake to Kitwanga and Highway 16 West or the Nass Road to Terrace which is also on Highway 16. There are lots of outfitters along that route at Telegraph Creek, Dease Lake, Watson Lake, Meziadan, Stuart, Hyder Alaska, Hazeltons, Kispiox. Do any of these names sound familiar? I'm not sure about Van Buren unless it is further to the coast or north.
Comment by Ruth Hogan Poulsen on May 8, 2009 at 8:06pm
Yeah... over 40 and it HAS to be the new 25!!! Jane Savoie and I have created a new program for all riders, but particularly for those of us who need help with our positions... there are many free clips and tips on the landing page... scroll down to the bottom!! Ruth

Program Your Position

Program Your Position
Comment by Eileen on May 8, 2009 at 8:03pm
O.K. I understand now. lol I can see where the beginners would require a groomed trail.
Yes I have been to the north western area of B.C. with my horses but I was passing through unfortunately. I worked for an outfitter in the Cranbrook area with my two horses as well one summer. That was an experience too. The summer that I went through northern B,.C I was on my way to Alaska to work for an out fitter with the same two horses that I had in Cranbrook. I took the Alaska Highway on my way out in May and then on my way home I took the more westerly road south, I can't remember the name of it right now. It went through Van Buren I think been a long time.
Comment by Cindy Jeffery on May 8, 2009 at 7:29pm
Yes Eileen...brushing trails means clearing the low branches, the rose bushes and under brush, not a big deal for most trail riders but just makes it a little nicer when you don't have to fight all that stuff when one is paying for a trail ride. Lots of times you get beginner/novice types who only ride once or twice a year they don't need to worry about the next hole the horse will step in or the next branch they'll get slapped with. I can only teach them so much in the arena and I want them to be safe and focus on their horse and the scenery. Also, those trails are used for hikers in the summer and country skiing in the winter, having them brushed helps everyone know exactly where they are. You've ridden everywhere in N.A. have you been to northwestern British Columbian?
Comment by Eileen on May 8, 2009 at 7:14pm
My goodness, I think I need a nap after reading all of the goings on with you ladies. Jenny, Jan and Cindy. And I thought that I was busy. Jenny I know how you feel with leaving your horse behind. I winter in Florida every winter, and even though I have taken my horses to every corner of N.A. I do not take them to Florida. I feel it is better for the horse to stay here in Ontario and brave the winter rather than the sand colic, ticks, snakes, bugs, and the high priced hay. I can always find a horse down there to ride.
Jan, it is best to look after that wrist, rather than aggrivate it. But really that social aspect of the meeting in Chicago sounds great...who doesn't need a "girls weekend away" lol
Cindy, I understand all of your chores except for the "brushing of trails" I have ridden the trails all my life, and quite often make my own, and never expect to find a groomed trail. lol but what does "brushing miles of trails" mean. (clearing brush maybe) just curious
Comment by Cindy Jeffery on May 8, 2009 at 7:02pm
Hey everyone I apologize for not being on line lately, but as the weather gets nice I'm outside teaching lessons or doing yard on the camp sites getting them ready. Brushing miles of trails and signage for those trails is on the list along with finishing the new tack room for the riding school tack, fencing (on going), new manure management system, 2 new cabins, and a cook house . I want all the riding school stuff in a central place, easy to find and lock up when the day is done. My own tack stays in the horse trailer tack room. Jan, now I completely understand why you can't judge our show, you are amazing!
Comment by Jan Jollymour on May 8, 2009 at 6:48pm
Thanks, Eileen, me too! Today was a hard ride, the wrist was not compliant (although the mare did her best).

I have great friends and clients coming up for the show - some from Calgary and some from the Lower Mainland of BC. We'll enjoy drinks and dinner together, and support each other through the competition. I'm looking forward to it - we all have a super time.

Chicago should be good as well, we have a great groom, and I only have to coach, which will rest the darned wrist...
Comment by Jenny Hiscox on May 8, 2009 at 6:47pm
Wow Jan, it sounds like you have some very good reasons for being too busy to post (except for the colic surgery, that's not so good). Well, I'm still housebound, but school resumes on Monday so the clock will be moving once again towards the time when I can be reunited with my beloved mare.
(To Lorraine and anyone else who doesn't know, I am in Mexico to teach school while my horse stays behind in Canada. Lying low right now as everything is closed down due to the swine flu, as if the drug/gang wars weren't enough!)

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