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World No.2 showjumper pulls out of Olympics

Irish showjumper and world ranked number two rider Jessica Kurten has announced that she is not available for Olympic selection.

She told media yesterday that her horse, Quibell, was a bad flyer and conditions in Hong Kong might not suit the horse, who was currently out for possibly six weeks with an injury. Another of Kurten's top horses and a top Olympic hope, Castle Forbes Maike, has recently been sold. And she said that Castle Forbes Libertina had had a busy indoor season and…


Added by Laura on May 27, 2008 at 6:00pm — 1 Comment

Good Things Happen When You Wait...(Grandma Donnna)

I always wanted a horse for all life...and finally when I gave up hope I got two magnificent horses and new trainers and LOTS of new friends! Thanks Grandma Donna! Love Sierra…


Added by Sierra<3'sDusty on May 25, 2008 at 10:00am — 1 Comment

pretty horse song i heard from the movie Flicka

okay, now dont say its gay cuz when u sing it its REALLY pretty. so, here goes nothin,

"Hush a by, dont you cry, gooooo to sleep you little baby, when you wake you will have, all the pretty little ponies. Black and grey, dapples and paints, all the pretty little ponies."

okay, so its a lulaby, but its prettiful, well, i think so.

Added by Sajel on May 23, 2008 at 9:53pm — 2 Comments

Do you think the Judges are being harder?

I was at a show last weekend. It was the hottest weekend in CA this year. There has been some complaining about how hard the judges where. I know there where a lot of low scores. But as I watched some rides they seem to right on. I know my horse was a little flat. He did have lack impulsion. My scores seem to be that same as other shows I have been to this year. Have you all noticed a change in the judging this year? Do you think it is because of this rule change?

Added by TopHat on May 23, 2008 at 11:57am — 2 Comments

Summer Camp!

Hey all you CHEC girls! WE I repaet WE are doing summer camp this year! Sighn up at www.canterburyhill,org By the way...are we doing summer camp? Anyway...sighn up! :)…


Added by Sierra<3'sDusty on May 22, 2008 at 6:06pm — No Comments

Do-it-yourself Sports Drink for Summer Riding

Sports drinks are expensive. If you would rather make your own, dissolve a tablespoon of sugar and a pinch of salt in a tablespoon of orange juice or in 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and add 7.5 ounces of cold water. This mix has all the benefits of a sports drink.

UC Berkeley Wellness Letter, March 2000

Added by Gary Stuart on May 21, 2008 at 10:38pm — No Comments

Professional Groom

Looking for a Pro Groom for 5 Dreesage Horses for Korean Client residing in the USA, Horses only compete at CDI Level, Person must be fluent in Englisch , must have drivers License and be experienced as a Groom. Opening immediatly, all cost will be taken care of for flight, Visa, Housing, Tarnsportation - THIS IS A LONG TERM EMPLOYMENT - not just for 2-3 month - please conatct Katja Eilers at

Added by Katja Eilers on May 21, 2008 at 8:25am — 1 Comment

Reggio Emilia 2008

Sono di ritorno dal salone del cavallo americano di Reggio Emilia, che anche quest'anno è stato un evento bellissimo. Tanta gente, tanti che sono venuti a trovarci allo stand. Abbiamo instaurato un sacco di buoni contatti con gli altri espositori.

Eccezionale Rudi Kronsteiner che nel Derby ha marcato 236 con STAR SPANGLED WHIZ, con una performance da togliere il fiato!

Added by Iltuocavallo on May 20, 2008 at 10:48am — No Comments

No time is wasted when it is spent on the back of a horse!!(a small Horse)

Added by Nicole on May 18, 2008 at 7:01pm — No Comments

Molly the Amputee Horse

I received this email from a friend and thought it was a great story to share!

I've written articles over the years about horses who survived amputation surgery. There was Boitron, the California Thoroughbred stallion who could service mares after amputation surgery. There were Dr. Ric Redden's dramatic cases of founder survivors who galloped around his paddock on artificial feet with 'transplanted frogs'.…


Added by Margaret on May 16, 2008 at 5:48pm — 1 Comment

Separating Yourself From Your Own Fear

For anyone who has been following Dr. Karen Sharf's advice on Healthy Rider, she has a great video on leaving your fear at home. What you may not know is Dr. Karen has helped me enormously in dealing with my own fears. Here's how it worked for me.

Dr. Karen first suggested to me that I start by giving my fear a name. I named it "Blob." Not very interesting, but there it is. Then she asked me to come with an image of what my anxiety looked like - short or tall, what

color, etc.… Continue

Added by Tish Cohen on May 13, 2008 at 2:10pm — No Comments

Headline News Story on Horse Slaughter - Warning - Very painful to read

COVER STORY | Horse Racing | Battle to save horses from slaughterhouse

Battle to save horses from…


Added by Barnmice Admin on May 3, 2008 at 9:00am — 2 Comments

The Amazing New Dressage Test For Horses Unsuitable to Become Anything (Written 1974)

A classic after all these years...

The Amazing New Dressage Test For Horses Unsuitable to Become Anything By Joanna MacDonald et al

The Test

1. A. Enter at ordinary serpentine.

X. Sprawl. Salute.

2. C. Stop dead. Stare in horror at judge and shy to left.

Continue at…

Added by Gary Stuart on April 30, 2008 at 5:00pm — 10 Comments

Hey it's a hospital. No horses allowed!

AP News Sun Mar 23, 2:07 AM ET LIHUE, Hawaii

A man hoping to cheer up an ailing relative at Wilcox Memorial Hospital hadn't considered one of the visitation rules: No horses allowed.

The man thought the patient would enjoy seeing his stallion, said Lani Yukimura, a spokeswoman at the hospital. He and the horse entered the hospital earlier this month and rode an elevator up to the third floor, where they were met and stopped by security personnel, Security managed to get… Continue

Added by Barbara F. on April 30, 2008 at 5:00pm — 1 Comment

Two Horses Die at Rolex - USEA Pushing for Frangible Pins in Fences

US Eventing wants frangible pins compulsory

April 28, 2008

A frangible fence.

The US Eventing Association Eventing Standards Task Force is pushing to make frangible pins compulsory for all cross-country courses in the US.

The move follows the serious injury or death of several riders and horses in the sport recently. Frangible pins allow a jump to collapse if it is hit by a horse. The frangible pin, manufactured by Barriers International, was the… Continue

Added by Barnmice Admin on April 27, 2008 at 9:30pm — No Comments

The Saddle Club Videos

Here is a compilation of some of the videos of The Saddle Club, a Discovery Kids Channel… Continue

Added by IceRyder on April 21, 2008 at 4:08pm — No Comments

Mice gnawing horses' hooves?

Hi to everybody! Somebody here can maybe be of help on this matter with some advice?

Some friends in my stable complained that their horses had their hooves, up to the coronary band, gnawed by mice. We actually have some mice around and couldn't manage getting rid of them (we can't use venom in the stable and the dogs are lazy :-) ), but none of our horses have problems, only two of them. I had never heard of mice gnawing the horses' hooves before (not at least of healthy and standing…


Added by Iltuocavallo on April 21, 2008 at 12:39pm — 4 Comments

When horse scents come to the rescue


Volunteer search teams are using horses to hunt the missing, but the riders are the ones who need the most training

Special to The Globe and Mail

PARKSVILLE, B.C. -- The warm afternoon sun beats down on Joe Kinch and his horse Max as…


Added by Barbara F. on April 18, 2008 at 8:10am — No Comments


As Im new here I thought I should say "hello" and "thank you" for this wonderful web community.

Forgive me for not quite knowing how this works but I'd love to learn so feel free to explain!

Thanks again


(I am known also as Amilois)

Added by Ami on April 9, 2008 at 7:42pm — No Comments

Che cos'è la gimkana - risposta per Giulia!

La gimkana è una gara di velocità ed abilità del cavallo. Consiste in un percorso con diverse difficoltà da affrontare nel più breve tempo possibile, che in parte riproducono delle difficoltà che il cavaliere può incontrare in campagna: ad esempio cancelli da aprire e chiudere, piccoli salti, trasferimenti di oggetti (spostare anelli, bottiglie o altro) da un posto all'altro, paletti o barili da affrontare in velocità, ponticelli da oltrepassare, e altro.

E' una disciplina molto…


Added by Iltuocavallo on April 8, 2008 at 11:09am — 1 Comment

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