All Blog Posts (4,787)

Should You Work Your Horse Deep or Up?

Hi Guys,

You've probably heard lots of discussion about whether or not to work your dressage horse "deep." There are a variety of opinions on the matter. Some riders warm up and cool down their horses "long and low" to stretch and loosen the muscles. Others always school in a balance and frame appropriate to the level at which they are working; they never stretch their horses. Many trainers school in a deep frame only during the movements when the horse habitually comes above the…


Added by Jane Savoie on January 9, 2009 at 9:00am — No Comments

Mares on Cam at Mulligans Run Farm

Our cams are up and three of our stalls are filled. Our list of expectant girls and their suitors can be seen at

We have in Shandy, Unforgettable and Sugar Baby

Unforgettable will be 300 days on 1/27/09 and 320 days on 2/18/09. Last she went 319 days and is a sneaky foaler - always during the day. This will be our first foal by her and Dream. We're excited to see what she…


Added by Heather Troglauer on January 8, 2009 at 6:00pm — 1 Comment

Next Week's To Do List is Available

Next week's To Do List includes a famous Will Rogers quote about horse racing.

And if you are a horse racing fan, you might enjoy this website dedicated to the Triple Crown Trail.

The painting is of Prepstress, a Thoroughbred mare, whose sire is is the famous Skip Away. Read more about Prepstress; her painting is part of my "Beautiful Horses of Ohio" series.…


Added by Karen Brenner on January 8, 2009 at 10:00am — No Comments

Two Paints in On Blog

Sara nominated her Paint horse, Hot Streak, for the Beautiful Horses of Michigan project writing, "She's a big girl but is truly a doll....Her beautiful coloring and wonderful talent catch attention from everyone -- in the showring and out." Sarah also told me that her 4-H club had voted Hot Streak the "prettiest horse," beating out 50 other horses.

You can see from the painting above, Hot Streak deserved that honor!



Added by Karen Brenner on January 7, 2009 at 7:00pm — No Comments

Lou the Mule saves woman

McMINNVILLE, Tenn. – Jolene Solomon is beginning the new year with her life, her mule named Lou and little else. The Southern Standard in McMinnville reported Solomon had just finished eating supper on New Year's Day when Lou's braying and acting up got her attention.

Solomon, 63, who lived alone, stepped outside, she saw her house was on fire. She called 911 and as she waited for firefighters, her home and everything in it burned to the ground.

She said her father…


Added by Katherine on January 6, 2009 at 6:30pm — 1 Comment

January Horseyscope by Animal Communicator Lauren Bode

Capricorn - December 22 - January 19

Happy New Year dear Caps! This will be a stellar year for your

career,gather up your forces and get out there and meet as many people

as you can.

I see you travelling quite a bit this year as well, and even though

last year was a year of great distance travel, and you thought you

were due for some stay at the barn for much of this year, I am going

to have to burst…


Added by Barnmice Admin on January 6, 2009 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Horse Manure Compost - The New "In" Thing

An article on today caught my eye: "Kentucky Horse Farms Go Green with Composting." According to the article, over 50 horse farms in Kentucky are composting. Click here to read the article.

We've been composting that special horse by-product for well over a dozen years, and it's so easy! We simply constructed a four-bin composting area (downwind from our house -- although…


Added by Karen Brenner on January 5, 2009 at 7:30am — 3 Comments

Must read articles on 'Quality Horse Breeders'

Check out the group 'Quality Horse Breeders' where we have posted the news release from Equine Canada regarding the CEM (Contagious Equine Metritis) outbreak in Kentucky that has now been found in Idaho stallions that stood at the Kentucky facility, and possibly in mares in Alberta and Ontario where semen was shipped this past breeding season.

While this outbreak involves Quarter Horses…


Added by Canadian Warmblood Stallions on January 3, 2009 at 1:00pm — 2 Comments

Newest Painting is a Study in Contrasts

A Regular at Jacks Bar

This painting is about contrasts: the contrast between organic and geometric shapes, the contrast of bright white against bold orange, the contrast of a voluminous paint horse against the flat planes of the buildings, straight lines and curves.

Paint horses often remind me of abstract art, and "Blossom" was no exception with her striking color. She was a beautiful example of the breed.

Denise, her owner wrote, "She is a playful spirit....The spirit…


Added by Karen Brenner on January 3, 2009 at 7:30am — No Comments

Strengthening Your Horse's Weaker Hind Leg

Hi Guys,

Your horse's weaker hind leg is the leg on his soft side. There's nothing wrong with your horse! Almost every horse has a weaker hind leg because few horses are ambidextrous. The weaker leg is the one on your horse's "soft" or hollow side. The stronger one is on his stiff side.

The weak hind leg doesn't step directly underneath your horse's body. Your horse displaces it slightly to the side to avoid carrying weight with it. On the other hand, the hind leg on…


Added by Jane Savoie on January 2, 2009 at 10:30am — 3 Comments

normal service will resume shortly - this is what's distracting me from the office....

My favorite horse :-) This is Podge aka Provence, my baby Hanoverian in his 7th week under saddle (he managed to get a couple of weeks on the subs bench with silly knocks in the field).

He is so much fun to ride & I'm not looking forwards to Monday when it's back to work & no more weekday day times spent cantering around on the stubble fields :-(

I'm consoled slightly by the big buying fairs coming up in Feb.…


Added by Chris - resident queen of shops on January 1, 2009 at 10:30pm — No Comments

Happy New Year! Start Planning Your New Year with This Week's To Do List

Last week I introduced my free, weekly To Do Lists and shared the artwork that appeared at the top of that first page.

This week, I thought I'd give you a peek at the format for each week's printable pdf page. The To Do List is 8 1/2" x 11" for easy printing. Here's a picture of what the To Do List for next week looks like, and a list of its features:

Sample To Do List

Click here to open and…


Added by Karen Brenner on January 1, 2009 at 7:30am — 1 Comment

Starting and running a 501(c)3, or how to use up all your free time (19 April 2010)

After the heady success of what was to be our first fundraiser, Colleen and I agreed that we wanted to keep it going - and so, Special Horses was "born." We kept the site, and began designing our next fundraiser. We decided it should coincide with Rolex and the Kentucky Derby (so, just about a year ago), with the tag line, "They are all Winners." The hook - we would open up the site to entries, for a $10 donation, payable directly to one of four participating groups (True Innocents Equine…


Added by Special Horses, Inc. on December 31, 2008 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Don't Eat the Daisies! A new painting from Karen Brenner

Skippin on Cloud 9 was grazing in a grassy pasture filled with sparkling daisies with a backdrop of tall blue spruce trees. What a cheerful setting for this blue-eyed beauty!

Her loving owner writes that this buckskin paint mare "literally takes your breath away when she aims those baby blue mascara eyes at you. She has a way about her of easing the day's tensions and you find yourself smiling. To watch her in motion is a whirlwind of…


Added by Karen Brenner on December 30, 2008 at 2:30pm — No Comments

12 Top Questions You Need to ask Yourself Before Making a Musical Freestyle!

Goals: When you begin to start thinking about making a musical freestyle or Kur for you and your horse, you should have some clear goals in mind before you get started. You must be able to answer some questions.

1.What will this musical freestyle be used for?

2. What level will you be competing with this music?

3.What type of competition will you be competing in? ( Local or USDF or FEI or National or International?)

4. Have you ever competed with a…


Added by Ruth Hogan Poulsen on December 30, 2008 at 6:00am — 8 Comments

New Foaling Season starting soon

We have 15 mares due this year. The first two, Unforgettable and Shandy, will be 300 days at the end of January. We will start watching them shortly after the New Year.

We have 10 cams up at our farm, but not all are on at the same time. We currently have cams 1-4 on in the main barn 24/7 just to keep an eye on things. Cams 5-9 will be on when needed and 10 & 11 are in the baby barn - used if the mares back us up and we run out of room. LOL Last year we had alot of mares that…


Added by Heather Troglauer on December 29, 2008 at 8:30pm — No Comments

Week-long mountain horse rescue in Canada shows the true meaning of Christmas

This is what the spirit of the season is all about...

MCBRIDE, British Columbia – Two frostbitten, emaciated horses were recovering inside a warm barn on Saturday thanks to volunteers who spent the week before Christmas digging the animals out of snow in the mountains of northeastern British Columbia.

Birgit Stutz said Saturday that she and other rescuers cheered when they finally finished digging a half-mile escape route through the snow for the animals. The horses had…


Added by Gary Stuart on December 28, 2008 at 12:00am — 3 Comments

Season's Greetings

It's a snowy Boxing Day in Aurora, Ontario. Having no respect for time and a head full of cold symptoms, I managed to pull myself out of bed around 10:30 a.m. and have been able to simply enjoy the experience of being -- such a rare occurence lately with all the hustle and bustle of the past few months. My spirits were warmed as I ate my granola and fruit breakfast and read the report in today's Globe and Mail (front page too!) of the successful efforts of a group of people in McBride,…


Added by Dorothy McDonall on December 26, 2008 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment

Horse Themed To Do List

Is one of your goals for 2009 to become more organized?

One thing that helps me stay organized is creating a weekly "To Do List" every Monday. As a special project, I designed a printable "To Do List" for each week of 2009. Each week's page has a column for listing things to accomplish that week, a calendar for the week with space to write in appointments or deadlines, an inspirational quote and picture of one of my horse paintings (of course!)

I'd like to share my…


Added by Karen Brenner on December 26, 2008 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Jane Savoie's Tips for Sitting Straight and Square in the Saddle

Hi Guys,

Regardless of which discipline you ride, it's very important to sit straight and square in the saddle. Can you tell if you're collapsing at your waist and sitting crookedly?

Ask a ground person to stand behind you.

1. Are your shoulders level (i.e. the same height)?

2. Is your seat in the center of the saddle so that each seatbone is the same distance from the middle of the saddle?

If your shoulders aren't level which means that one…


Added by Jane Savoie on December 26, 2008 at 8:30am — No Comments

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